Russia in Revolution 1881-1905

The Tsar was the autocratic leader of Russia, what does this mean?
There were no legal restrictions on his power, it was absolute
1 of 10
What % of the Russian population was peasant classes?
Around 82%
2 of 10
Russia was successful in imperialism, what was the population?
125 million
3 of 10
Russia had major transport issues due to geographical issues, etc. what was their main method of transport?
4 of 10
What was Russia’s main source of wealth?
Agriculture—despite the rich resources such as oil and iron in the empire
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What was the name of the political opposition group that assassinated Tsar Alexander II in 1881?
The Peoples Will
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Why was it ironic The Peoples Will assassinated the Tsar?
He was on his way to sign a law which would have given Russia its first national assembly and they were looking for reform in the same way as him
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What was Alexander II most important reform?
The emancipation of serfs in 1861
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How did Alexander III react to his fathers death?
His assassinators were hung, he built a church where his father died and rejected his fathers new law
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What was Alexander III attitude to reform?
Reactionary and traditional
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Card 2


What % of the Russian population was peasant classes?


Around 82%

Card 3


Russia was successful in imperialism, what was the population?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Russia had major transport issues due to geographical issues, etc. what was their main method of transport?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was Russia’s main source of wealth?


Preview of the front of card 5
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