RS: Year 9 Term 3: Marriage in Judaism

In Judaism, marriage is regarded as what? (2)
A gift from God, important spiritual ceremony
1 of 12
Both parties are expected to ... ? (3)
Enter marriage with right intentions, Respect each other, Be faithful
2 of 12
Where do weddings take place? (2)
Synagogue or any suitable location
3 of 12
What is the kiddushin? (1)
The wedding ceremony itself
4 of 12
What is the ketubah? (3)
Formal marriage contract stating how the husband will care for the wife, retained by wife throughout marriage
5 of 12
Who conducts the wedding? (1)
6 of 12
What is the chuppah? (3)
The shelter under which the wedding occurs, Representing home, Blessing written on in Hebrew
7 of 12
What 2 blessings are said? (2)
One over wine then drunk, One for commitment couple are making
8 of 12
Why does the groom stamp on a glass? (2)
As reminder of the fragility of marriage/the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem
9 of 12
The ring is a symbol of what and placed on which finger? (2)
Eternity, Index as believed to be connected to heart
10 of 12
What is the nisuin? (2)
The second part of the ceremony in which 7 blessings are said
11 of 12
What are the 7 blessings? (7)
God bringing forth fruit, God shaping the universe, God making each person, God for creating humans, God for allowing rejoice, God for residing with couple, God for bringing couple together
12 of 12

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Card 2


Both parties are expected to ... ? (3)


Enter marriage with right intentions, Respect each other, Be faithful

Card 3


Where do weddings take place? (2)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the kiddushin? (1)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the ketubah? (3)


Preview of the front of card 5
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