Maude Clare

  • Created by: lynette
  • Created on: 26-06-22 21:22
"With a .... step and ...."
Lofty & Mein (Self-Confidence)
1 of 16
bride (possession)
2 of 16
"Maude clare was like a...."
"His bride like a..."
Village Maid
3 of 16
"Nell's was....with...."
Pale & pride (mixed with unease)
4 of 16
"Lord was.... with inward....."
pale & strife (conflict)
5 of 16
"Here's my half of the .... chain"
"you wore around your...."
gold (emphasis of broken heart)
neck (suggests how she wants their to die through strangulation)

returns gold chain however its meaningless
6 of 16
"Here's my half of the.... leaves"
faded (repetition emphasises her heart and seperation)
7 of 16
"the day we.... ankle-deep
waded - unmarried women forbidden to expose ankles + intimacy
8 of 16
"He strove to match her.... with..."
Scorn - attempt to hold threat
9 of 16
"I'll love him till he.... me best, me best of....Maude Clare."
loves & all - repition of Maude Clares name foreshadows blight in their marriage + sympath for powerless victorian women
10 of 16
"more...., more, more...."
taller,wiser fairer
11 of 16
"he kissed the...."
Thomas cant stop looking at MC as he kisses 'his bride'
12 of 16
Her gifts are a way to illustrate her resentment and anger
13 of 16
"He.... in her place"
faltered (inferior)
14 of 16
"for... and worse"
better (marital tone)
15 of 16
"And him I...Maude Clare"
Nell is the only want to say this
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2




bride (possession)

Card 3


"Maude clare was like a...."
"His bride like a..."


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"Nell's was....with...."


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"Lord was.... with inward....."


Preview of the front of card 5
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