Romeo & Juliet - Theme: Love

romeo and juliet fall in love at first sight. describe how this love is supposeable portrayed to the character's (how do they feel?)
the love is powerful, exciting, dramatic but also is supposed to be genuine, touching - not just teenage hormones, tho is it also young love as Juliet is 13 - young love often is headstrong, passionate and unrealistic
1 of 6
why did shakespeare make juliet this young? (what was the effect on the play/their relationship)?
her age shows how immature and reckless their relationship was / or it could have been to make their actions seem even bravier and more meaningful/impacted
2 of 6
what could be argued abut their love, considering they both died over it?
love was destructive - if they didn't see it as the only thing worth living for then they wouldn't have died
3 of 6
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6 of 6

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Card 2


why did shakespeare make juliet this young? (what was the effect on the play/their relationship)?


her age shows how immature and reckless their relationship was / or it could have been to make their actions seem even bravier and more meaningful/impacted

Card 3


what could be argued abut their love, considering they both died over it?


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