Rights and responsibilities.

A quiz that tests your knowledge about rights and responsibilities which will help for citizenship studies!


1. At what age do you have criminal responsibility if you break the law?

  • 10
  • 16
  • 18
1 of 4

Other questions in this quiz

2. How old do you have to be to be able to vote in an election?

  • 21
  • 30
  • 18
  • 16

3. Which of these is a right that a teacher has?

  • To teach whatever he/she likes however he/she likes.
  • To be safe in the work place.
  • To talk to the students how he/she likes.

4. Which of these is a qualified right?

  • the right to protection from torture.
  • the right to respect for private and family life.
  • the right to life.




The right to life is a human right



good quiz but too simple

Iqra ****


Sonikkuruzu wrote:

The right to life is a human right

yeah i did that my self and I got it wrong? how silly.



i wrote the right to life is a human right too..... it is so how is that wrong??? i dont like that quiz :L x

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