revision for biology biology 4.6 paper 2

reproduction can be _ or _
asexual and sexual
1 of 12
what happens in asexual reproduction
organisms produce offspring without mating there is only one parent.
2 of 12
in asexual reproduction is there mixing of genetic information?
NO since there is only one parent, there is no mixing of genetic infomations
3 of 12
Are offspring produced by asexual reproduction are different or identical to parent?
offspring are genetically identical clones of there parents
4 of 12
organisms that use asexual reproduction
5 of 12
what is the only type of cell divison in asexual reproduction
mitosis is the only type of cell division in asexual reproduction
6 of 12
what happens in sexual reproduction
a male gamete fuses with a female gamete
7 of 12
what is the male gamete in animals
In animals, the male gamete is a sperm cell and the female gamete is an egg cell.
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what is the male gamete in flowering plants
In flowering plants, the male gamete is a pollen cell and the female gamete is an egg cell.
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how are gametes formed
Gametes are formed through meiosis, a special type of cell division
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what happens when a male and female gamete fuse?
When the male and female gametes fuse, their genetic information mixes.
11 of 12
what does mixing of genetic infomation cause?
This mixing leads to variation in the offspring produced, so all the offspring are different.
12 of 12

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Card 2


what happens in asexual reproduction


organisms produce offspring without mating there is only one parent.

Card 3


in asexual reproduction is there mixing of genetic information?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Are offspring produced by asexual reproduction are different or identical to parent?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


organisms that use asexual reproduction


Preview of the front of card 5
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