Other questions in this quiz

2. which of the following contributes to the wheezing of asthma?

  • inflammation of the trachea and pharynx
  • constriction of the bronchiolar smooth muscle
  • edema of the esophagus
  • pneumothorax

3. a stab wound to the chest causes the lung to collapse because:

  • of a sudden increase in surface tension
  • intrapulmonic pressure becomes higher than intrapleural pressure
  • intraplueural pressure becomes greater then intraplumonic pressure
  • intrapulmonic pressure becomes less than atmospheric pressure

4. which nerve innervates the diaphragm?

  • cranial never XI
  • sciatic
  • phrenic
  • intercostal nerve

5. frontal, maxillary, sphenoidal, and ethmoidal:

  • all lined with serous membranes
  • paranasal sinuses
  • bones of the thorax
  • saliva secreting glands


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