Research Methods: Validity & Control of Variables Key Words

Confounding variable
A variable that could act as an alternative IV, and that could systematically vary with the IV, or affect the DV, and confound the results, making them useless.
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The extent to which any variable is held constant or is regulated by a researcher.
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External validity
The degree to which finding of research can be generalised: to other settings (ecological validity); to other groups of people (population validity); over time (historical validity).
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Extraneous variables
Variables that do not change systematically with the IV (so cannot act as an alternative IV) but could still effect the DV.
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Internal validity
The degree to which an observed effect was due to the experimental manipulation instead of other factors such as confounding or extraneous variables.
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Mundane realism
How a study mirrors the real world, how realistic the research environment is in comparison to how the situation could happen in real life.
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Whether an observed effect is a genuine one.
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Card 2


The extent to which any variable is held constant or is regulated by a researcher.



Card 3


The degree to which finding of research can be generalised: to other settings (ecological validity); to other groups of people (population validity); over time (historical validity).


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Card 4


Variables that do not change systematically with the IV (so cannot act as an alternative IV) but could still effect the DV.


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Card 5


The degree to which an observed effect was due to the experimental manipulation instead of other factors such as confounding or extraneous variables.


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