Religious Studies- Medical Ethics

What is Sanctity of life?
It is the belief that there is something special or Holy about human life as people share something of the nature of god.
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What does the sanctity of life teach christians?
All human life should be treated with respect as God plans each human life and has given each human a life.
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What are some quotes/examples that support the sanctity of life?
'So god created mankind in his own image, in the image of god he created them; male and female he created them.' Genesis 1:27 and when god 'breathed into his nostrils the breath of life'. When god gave Adam the soul Genesis 2:7.
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Christians believe life belongs to God. What does this mean?
Only God has the right to give and take life away.
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When does the Roman Catholic Church think life begins?
At the moment of conception.
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When do other christians believe life begins?
Ensoulment or later on in the pregnancy.
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What is abortion?
The delibrate expulsion of the foetus from the uterus. Sometime called a 'procured' or 'direct' abortion
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What is the Roman Catholic Church's view on abortion?
The Roman catholic church teaches that abortion is a great moral evil and is morally wrong in all circumstances- never permitted under any circumstances. It is the same as murder.
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What is the Church of England's view on abortion?
The church of England mainly opposes aborion but in certain circumstances it may be acceptable e.g. ectopic pregnancy.
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What does the Methodist church think about abortion?
Abortion is always an evil but it can be the lesser of two evils.
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What is the doctrine of double effect?
If doing something morally good has a morally bad side-effect, it is right to do it providing the bad side-effect was not intended.
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What is an Ectopic pregnancy?
It is when a foetus starts to grow in a fallopian tube rather than the womb.
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What is a miscarriage?
When a baby is aborted through natural causes. Sometimes called a spontaneous abortion.
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How many abortions are performed each year?
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When was abortion legalised in the U.K.
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How many doctors need to give consent for an abortion to be legal in the U.K?
Two doctors.
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What does IVF mean?
in vitro fertilisation- it means fertilisation in a glass.
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What happens In IVF?
An egg and a sperm are brought together in a test tube. If conception takes place and an embryo is formed, it is placd nside the womb of a mother.
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What is another method of fertility treatment?
Artificial insemination.
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What is fertility treatment?
It is the medical assistance given to people who want babies but cannot naturally have them.
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What is artificial insemination?
It is when sperm is collected and placed and placed in the woman's uterus.
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What does AID mean?
Artificial insemination by Donor.
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What does AIH mean?
Artificial inseminaton by husband.
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What does the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 state?
Frozen embryos may be stored for ten years however they can be used if both partners agree. Scientific experiments may be carried out up to 14 days, after this they cannot be kept alive.
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Why do christians believe that fertility treatments should encouraged?
Because it brings happiness to people who otherwise would not be able to have children. - 'Love thy neighbour
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Do Roman Catholics think having a child that is a god-given right or a divine gift.
Divine gift.
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Why do other christians think that fertility treatment is wrong?
God chooses whether people have babies or not. This is part of the teaching about sanctity of life.
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Why do Roman Catholics have a problem with IVF?
It produces spare embryos. Some of these embryos are thrown away, stored or used in medical research which they disagree with as they believe life begin at conception.
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Why are Roman Catholics opposed to AID?
The introduction of a Third party is seen as a form of adultery.
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What example from the Bible teaches that it is up to God whether you have a baby or not?
Samuel 1:5- God will not allow Hannah to have a baby until he decides it is the right time.
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What is the biggest concern about Cloning?
It might be used to clone humans in the future.
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What is cloning?
The making of a replica.
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What is reproductive cloning?
Cloning which creates identical offspring.
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What is Therapeutic cloning?
A medical procedure where single cells are taken from a person or embryo and 'reprogrammed' to create stem cells which can be used in medical treatment.
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In 2001 what did the Human Fertilisation and Embryo Act allow?
The use of human embryos in stem cell research, using leftover embryos from IVF treatment.
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Why are Many Christians against therapeutic cloning?
It is against the will of god and human life should not be tampered with. We should not 'play God'.
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Why are some christians in support of cloning?
People have a god given responsibility to care for creation and if cloning would benefit humans it is a good thing as long as it is controlled.
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Why is the Roman Catholic Church mainly against abortion?
It seperates the procreation of children from the sexual act and often involves the creation and destruction of a large number of fertilised eggs. This is against the teaching of sanctity of life.
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In the U.K how many people per 100 take their own lives?
Less than 1 in 100.
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In the past, what was suicide seen as by the Christian Church?
A serious crime. It was treated as a sin.
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How can Christians argue against Suicide?
God chooses when people are born and when they die, Suffering brings people closer to god, Suicide can be regarded as a selfish act which ignores those people left behind.
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What are quotes against suicide?
'Do not murder' Exodus 20:13, 'There is a time to live and a time to die' Ecclesiastes 3:1-3a, 'the body is a temple of the holy spirit'- Corinthians 6:19-20
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How do Christians support people contemplating suicide?
Through an organisation called The Samaritans which provides confidential emotional support and gives advice to them.
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What is Euthanasia?
A gentle or easy death; helping someone to die.
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What is a hospice?
A place where terminally-ill patients are cared for.
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What is pallative care?
Care given to a terminally ill patient to help them die in as much comfort as possible.
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What is Voluntary Euthanasia?
It is when someone asks for the end of his or her own life but is unable to commit suicide without help. This is often known as assisted suicide.
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What is Involuntary Euthanasia?
It is when other people decide that it would be best if someone else had their life ended as they are not able to make that decision. e.g. if the are in a passive vegetative state.
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What is active Euthanasia?
When action is taken to bring life to an end. E.G. a lethal dose of drugs. This is illegal.
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What is Passive Euthanasia?
It is when a decision is made to stop giving further treatment such as antibiotics even though death will be the result.
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What is the Roman Catholic view on Euthanasia and why?
They are totally opposed to Euthanasia, as it deliberately brings about death and is the same as murder. 'Thou Shalt not kill'- Exodus 1:21. Ordinary treatments must be continued such as feeding an unable patient. However double effect can be applied
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What is the Church of England view on Euthanasia and why?
It is very similar to the Roman Catholic church view however if the person is great pain it could be accpetable as it is seen as the most loving thing to do- 'Love thy neighbour'.
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Why do many Christians support the Hospice movement?
It offers a nice alternative to Euthanasia and can help people come to closer to God through their suffering.
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Why do most christians see Humans as being more important then Animals.
Humans have a soul. Animals do not. Animals cannot have a relationship with God.
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What is the Roman Catholic and Church Of England's view on animal testing?
Animal experimantation is an important method for producing life saving drugs but the animals should not be hurt unnecessarily.
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What have medical experiments on animals produced vaccines for?
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Why are some Christians against Animal experimentation?
It you live God, why would hurt his other creations? and Both humans and animals have the same origin in God.
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What is Dominion?
Athority or rule.
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What is Stewardship?
Looking after something for someone else
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What are examples/quotes from the bible to support Dominion?
Genesis 1:28- Adam is told to rule over the earth. Acts 10:10-15- Peter's vision which told Peer to kill and eat animals.
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What is an example from the bible to support Stewardship?
Genesis 2:15- Adam is told to 'take care of' the earth for God.
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What is experimentation on live animals called?
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What is the Roman Catholic view on Embryo research?
It opposes it on the same grounds as it opposes abortion.
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What is the Church of England view on Embryo research?
The Church of England supports it up to 14 days.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the sanctity of life teach christians?


All human life should be treated with respect as God plans each human life and has given each human a life.

Card 3


What are some quotes/examples that support the sanctity of life?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Christians believe life belongs to God. What does this mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When does the Roman Catholic Church think life begins?


Preview of the front of card 5
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