Religion as a conservative force: Introduction

What 2 senses can religion be seen as a conservative force?
1. It is traditonal 2. Functions to conserve/preserve the status quo.
1 of 12
Most religions have traditional conservative beliefs and oppose changes...
...that would allow individuals more freedom in sexual and personal matters.
2 of 12
For example:
The Catholic Church forbids divorce/ abortion/ artificial contraception
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Most relgions uphold 'family values' and often favour a traditional...
...patriarchal domestic division of labour.
4 of 12
For example:
Hinduism endorses male domestic authority and the practice of arranged mar
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Functionalists see religion as a conservative force because it functions to maintain... stability and prevent society from disintegrating.
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It promotes social solidarity by creating....
...value consensus and therefore preventing individuals from persuing their own selfish desires and not worrying about society as a whole.
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Marxists and feminists see religion as a conservative ideology that prevents... change.
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This helps to maintain the status quo which prevents...
...the less powerful from changing things.
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Marxists believe that religion legitimates and disguises exploitation and inequality which creates...
...false consciousness (a distorted view of reality which prevents the less powerful from acting to change their situation.
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This maintains the stability of ....
...capitalist society.
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Why do Feminists see religion as a conservative force?
Because it legitimates patriarchal power and maintains women's subordination in the family and wider society.
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Card 2


Most religions have traditional conservative beliefs and oppose changes...


...that would allow individuals more freedom in sexual and personal matters.

Card 3


For example:


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Card 4


Most relgions uphold 'family values' and often favour a traditional...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


For example:


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