Religion, peace and conflict

What is war?
fighting between nations to resolve issues between them
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What is peace?
an absence of conflict which leads to happiness and harmony
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What is justice?
bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law or making up for a wrong that has been committed
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What is forgiveness?
showing grace and mercy and pardoning someone for what they have done wrong
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What is reconciliation?
a sacrament in the Catholic Church; also, when individuals or groups restore friendly relations after conflict or disagreement
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How can peace be created?
1. fighting in a war to create peace once the war is over
2. Prayer and meditation
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Why is fighting to create peace problematic?
Peace is often difficult to achieve, as the instability and resentment left after the war often leads to fighting breaking our again
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How can prayer and meditation create peace?
It can create calmness that will help to avoid quarrels an disputes with other people.
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Give a quote suggesting how God will create peace:
"He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples.
They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore."
Isaiah 2:4
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What does the quote from Isaiah 2:4 suggest God will do?
It implies that God will act as the ultimate judge and will establish justice between nations and settle their disputes.
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How is justice linked with inequality?
If people are not given the same opportunities, this may be seen as unfair (or unjust) and lead to resentment. This could lead to conflict, especially if more privileged parts of the world are seen to be the cause of the inequality.
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What is the christian belief of forgiveness?
They believe that forgiveness is important for living peacefully. It does not mean that no action should be taken to right a wrong. But once the wrong is righted, possibly through conflict, forgiveness should follow. Action to establish peace and forgiven
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How has God demonstrated forgiveness?
Christians believe that God sets the example regarding forgiveness, by offering forgiveness himself to all who ask for it in faith.
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What do Quakers believe when it comes to war?
The Quakers are a Christian denomination committed to pacifism. They believe
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is peace?


an absence of conflict which leads to happiness and harmony

Card 3


What is justice?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is forgiveness?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is reconciliation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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