RELATIONSHIPS: Physical Attraction and the Matching Hypothesis

Define physical attraction.
the degree to which an individual's physical characteristics are seen as being seen as beautiful
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What is the evolutionary theory in regards to physical attraction?
Symmetrical faces are the most attractive as they are an honest sign of genetic fitness. People are also attracted to those with neotenous faces, as it triggers a caring instinct.
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Define the halo effect.
Individuals that are seen as being physically attractive tend to create the impression of having desirable personality characteristics such as being trustworthy and sociable
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What is the matching hypothesis?
The matching hypothesis is the idea that individuals are attracted to people that are of a simlar percieved physical attractiveness to them, which involves an individual assessing their own level of physical attractiveness.
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What are the two key motivations that underline the MH?
People want the most attractive partner possible. They want to avoid rejection.
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What are the findings of Feingold et al. in regards to support for the matching hypothesis?
+0.39 in meta-analysis of 17 studies in ratings of attractiveness between irl romantic partners. Found higher correlations between long-term (~+0.5) than short-term couples (+0.3) in attractiveness.
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What is the strength of Feingold's +0.39 correlation?
Moderate correlation, it is strong in terms of the study of social sciences.
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Why does Feingold's study have strong external validity in comparison to Taylor et al.?
It looks at real life partners, unlike Taylor et al.'s, which used online dating, therefore removing some of the fear of rejection as it was not done face-to-face .
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What is the benefit of Feingold's study being a meta-analysis?
Likely to be an accurate estimate of strength of correlation.
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What does the lack of variation show in Feingold's study?
A consistent effect.
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How does the Feingold study have implications for the Matching Hypothesis?
Proves that we match on similarity to self and that physical attributes are important even in the long term of a relationship, making it a more complete theory.
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What were the findings of Cunningham et al. in regards to cross-cultural research?
female neotenous features (large eyes, prominent cheekbones, small nose, high brows) rated as highly attractive by white, Hispanic and Asian males.
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What were the findings of Wheeler and Kim in regards to cross-cultural research?
Wheeler and Kim : Both Korean and American students judged physically attractive people more positively than less attractive people.
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What does Wheeler and Kim and Cunningham et al.'s studies imply?
Using physical attributes to determine whether someone is a good partner or not is not limited to Western culture. Cultural influences do not have an impact on what people consider attractive.
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How do Wheeler and Kim and Cunningham et al.'s studies have implications for the importance of physical attractiveness?
Strengthens Shackleford and Larson's evolutionary theory, and Dion et al.'s halo theory.
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What were Towhey's contridictory findings in regards to physical attractiveness?
Found participants who scored highly on the MACHO scale (and so held more conservative/sexist views) were more influenced by physical attraction of the target when making a judgement on likeability.
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What do Towhey's contradictory findings in regards to physical attractiveness mean?
Physical attraction can be moderated by other factors, and therefore some people do not attach as much importance to it as others.
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How do Towhey's findings contradict physical attractiveness as being a part of all relationship formation?
Could simply be a 'gateway' for social interaction, which encourages people to interact with them due to their genetic advantages -> increased interaction and therefore greater opportunities to self-disclose -> reproduction.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the evolutionary theory in regards to physical attraction?


Symmetrical faces are the most attractive as they are an honest sign of genetic fitness. People are also attracted to those with neotenous faces, as it triggers a caring instinct.

Card 3


Define the halo effect.


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Card 4


What is the matching hypothesis?


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Card 5


What are the two key motivations that underline the MH?


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