Reasons for lack of progress in medicine (1848)


1. What was the theory of opposites?

  • The idea that if there was too much of an imbalance of one humour, the balance could be restored by eating/drinking something with the opposite qualities
  • The idea that an imbalance of a humour was genetics;
  • If there was an imbalance of one humour the person needed to drink only water
  • If there was an imbalance of one humour the person was going to die
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2. What was the effect of the theory of 4 humours?

  • It prevented progress in treatment and prevention because ideas were now based on the theory of opposites
  • It prevented new ideas
  • It prevented good health
  • It prevented progress

3. What was the KEY reason for lack of progress in medicine(1848)

  • Lack of technology
  • Poor attitudes
  • Lack of understanding of disease
  • Limited access to dead bodies for research

4. What was the theory of the four humours?

  • An idea that rested on the belief that the body needed all the four humours to have good health
  • An idea that rested on the belief the people needed to consume opposing food/drink qualities to maintain good heath
  • An idea that rested on the belief that the body was formed on 4 humours and an imbalance of the humours would lead to illness
  • An idea that rested on the belief that the the body was formed on 4 humours and an imbalance would lead to death

5. Who developed the FOUR HUMOURS theory?

  • The Vikings
  • The Ancient Greeks
  • The Victorians
  • The Tudors


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