Quick Knowledge Refresh

  • Created by: arikak
  • Created on: 01-03-20 15:45

1. Why might visions lead to the belief in God? (5 marks)

  • Visions can be a powerful, personal experiences, giving great strength and faith. e.g. Abraham is visited by God with a promise of protection and reward, "Fear not Abraham, i am your shield and your reward shall be very great" (Genesis 15:1)
  • anYthiNg eLsE
1 of 4

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2. Name TWO forms of visions. (4 marks)

  • Corporeal- physically seeing something. Imaginative-seeing something in your dreams.
  • idfk

3. A religious experience is the feeling of the presence of God. What can religious experiences do?

  • It is not real.
  • They are seen as an important reminder of God's omnipresence as his nature as creator and designer of the world.
  • It helps to remember God.
  • They are visions.

4. A vision is a visual appearance, usually of Jesus or Mary and are proof of God's loving and mysterious nature. Can you further explain the nature of visions?

  • It can be considered as a private revelation from God.
  • Its a hallucination.


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