Quick Knowledge Refresh

  • Created by: arikak
  • Created on: 01-03-20 15:45
A religious experience is the feeling of the presence of God. What can religious experiences do?
They are seen as an important reminder of God's omnipresence as his nature as creator and designer of the world.
1 of 10
A vision is a visual appearance, usually of Jesus or Mary and are proof of God's loving and mysterious nature. Can you further explain the nature of visions?
It can be considered as a private revelation from God.
2 of 10
Name TWO forms of visions. (4 marks)
Corporeal- physically seeing something. Imaginative-seeing something in your dreams.
3 of 10
Why might visions lead to the belief in God? (5 marks)
Visions can be a powerful, personal experiences, giving great strength and faith. e.g. Abraham is visited by God with a promise of protection and reward, "Fear not Abraham, i am your shield and your reward shall be very great" (Genesis 15:1)
4 of 10
Give arguments against visions as God's existence (practice d question plan)
There's no physical or lasting proof. Could be under hallucination from drugs. Even if the vision is genuine, it's not proof of God's existence.
5 of 10
The Catholic Church teaches marriage is a sacrament so divorce can't break the marriage in the eyes of God. How can a Catholic be 'legally' remarried in the Church?
Annulment. Catholics would believe that the marriage never existed as when married, vows weren't made valid.
6 of 10
You now know about Annulment. Under what conditions is annulment acceptable?
If one partner was forced into the marriage. If one person didn't intent to keep their vows. One partner wasn't baptized at the time of the marriage which is affecting the faith of the other partner.
7 of 10
Sex is seen as an act of creation and binds a couple together. Knowing this, suggest why the Church would be against the use of Contraception?
It goes against the natural law. It reduces male respect for women. It gives humans the idea that they have full control over the body.
8 of 10
Now you know why the Church would disagree with the use of Contraception. But why would some Catholics oppose this statement?
Nothing in the Bible forbids it. It gives new attitudes to women. It helps to reduce the spread of AIDS in poorer countries.
9 of 10
Our conscience tells us what is wrong and right and plays a strong role in our decision making. Keeping this in mind, how else would Catholics describe their conscience?
It is an inner-voice from God telling us what to do. Jesus is a role model, therefore influencing our conscience. The Church teaches we should follow our conscience as taught by St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Paul.
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


A vision is a visual appearance, usually of Jesus or Mary and are proof of God's loving and mysterious nature. Can you further explain the nature of visions?


It can be considered as a private revelation from God.

Card 3


Name TWO forms of visions. (4 marks)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why might visions lead to the belief in God? (5 marks)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give arguments against visions as God's existence (practice d question plan)


Preview of the front of card 5
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