quantitative methods


1. Define ordinal data

  • Individuals are placed into one category or another as well as the individual making preferences and these preferences are ranked
  • Individuals are placed into one category or another
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2. Variance

  • How spread apart individuals are in a dataset
  • Average amount of difference between sample and population characteristics
  • Average amount of difference about the mean

3. Standard deviation

  • Average amount of difference between sample and population characteristics
  • average amount of difference between individuals about the mean
  • How spread apart individuals are in a dataset

4. Standard error

  • Individuals are placed into one category or another
  • Average amount of difference between sample and population characteristics
  • How spread apart individuals are in a dataset

5. 2 assumptions of inferential stats

  • normally distributed
  • the stats are skewed and kurtosis
  • independent and normally distributed
  • dependent and normally distributed


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