PY2 - Buss 1989

.... LaLa ... I hate this description box, never know what to put in it ....

  • Created by: Misha
  • Created on: 28-05-12 16:33

1. Trivers 1972 thought it was based on parental investment and sexual selection. So what did Symans (1979) and Williams (1975) think?

  • Environment of evoluntionary Adaptation.
  • predictions based on reproductive value and fertility.
  • Prediction based on paternity probability.
1 of 11

Other questions in this quiz

2. Buss aimed to investigate if evolutionary explanations for sex differences in human mate perferences are found in cultures with differences. TRUE or FALSE?

  • True
  • False

3. Buss analysed responses from _ samples from _ countries. Creating a total of _ Ps.

  • 10047, 35 and 37
  • 37, 35 and 10047
  • 35, 37 and 10047
  • 37, 10047 and 35

4. What was the mean age of the overall sample?

  • 89 years
  • 24.5 years
  • 43.077 years.
  • 23.05 years
  • 16 years

5. Buss used two instruments to assess respondents' views on mating preferences. Such as?

  • Mate preferences and Rating
  • Rating and Ranking
  • Biographical data and Ranking




Thanks so much for all the quizzes on the studies! the exam's tomorrow and I still don't feel like I really know anything, but your quizzes are helping (:

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