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6. What was the precentage that females valued good financial prospects in a mate more highly than males did?

  • 5%
  • 97%
  • 78%
  • 93%

7. In all 37 samples males rated good looks in their mate more than females did and also preferred mates who were older. TRUE or FALSE

  • False
  • True

8. in 23 (62%) of the samples, males perferredchastity in their mates, whereas there was no significance in the remaining 14 samples. TRUE or FALSE

  • True
  • False

9. What did Buss conclude?

  • That cultural influences had no impact at all.
  • That his findings support evoluntionary explanations.
  • That they did not support evolutionary explanations.

10. Who found very close agreement across cultural groups when rating female physical attractiveness.

  • Waynforth and Dunbar.
  • Singh.
  • Cunningham et al.
  • Little et al.

11. Waynforth and Dunbar's (1995) research supports Buss's.

  • Develop
  • Contradict