Psychology - Dreaming

Activation-synthesis model
a model of dreaming proposed by Hobson and McCarley where the brain is active but no sensory information is coming into it, the brain puts the information it has together to make sense of it and this is the dream
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a statement of what the study is being carried out to find
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the 'cable' that leads from a cell body of a neuron down to the terminal buttons that hold the neurotransmitter
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Case study
a research method for studying an individual or small group and gathering in-depth and detailed information using different means
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Circadian rhythm disorders
a disorder of the sleep-wake cycle causing problems with the body clock
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when many thoughts and elements from the unconscious are represented in the dream in one symbol
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an ethical guideline for studies that involve people as participants, which ensures that information gained must not be shared with others without permission
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when something that seems to be unimportant in the dream is made central, to shift attention from what is really important
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Dream analysis
a method used by Freud to help uncover unconscious thoughts, by analysing dreams and uncovering symbols
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False memory
any memory that is not true and can be given by someone else 'remembering' an event and telling another person who then 'remembers' it as true
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Free association
a method used by Freud in psychoanalysis where the patient is encouraged to express a flow of consciousness, helping to uncover links which can then be interpreted
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refers to findings of studies and how far they can be said to be true of people other than those studied
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sufferer feels very sleep all times of the day
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the electrical signal that travels from the cell body of a neuron to the terminal buttons, where it releases a neurotransmitter
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sufferer cannot go to sleep or cannot stay asleep
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Latent content
the meaning underlying the dream
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Manifest content
the story the dreamer tells - what the dream is said to be about by the dreamer
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refers to how psychology works, including how data is gathered
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Movement inhibition
the state, during REM sleep, when the body is paralysed and there is no movement
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a brain disorder which means people can suddenly have attacks of sleep in the day
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a cell in the body, including the brain, which sends information using both electrical and chemical processes
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a chemical at the terminal button of a neuron, which is released by the impulse and then goes into the synaptic gap
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where the researcher's views do not affect the information that is gathered
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refers to research, where there is no bias
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Oedipus complex
the idea that a boy from about the age of four years old will have unconscious feelings for his mother and want his father out of the way, though he then fears his father and feels guilty
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these disorders occur when someone is asleep such as nightmares, sleep walking and sleep terrors
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term used to refer to anything that is related or said to represent the male penis, or the term can simply refer to the penis
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Primary sleep disorders
not related to any other problems, but are problems in themselves e.g. going to sleep and waking up
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an ethical guideline for studies that involve people as participants, which ensures that their names must not be recorded and they must not be identifiable
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Freud's therapy, designed to help release unconscious thoughts
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Qualitative data
data involving stories or attitudes
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Quantitative data
data that involves numbers and statistics
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Random activation
during REM sleep, when neurons are active randomly but not deliberately
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refers to whether findings from a study would be found again if the study were repeated - if results are reliable, findings can be replicated
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REM (Rapid eye movement) sleep
a unique phase of sleep in mammals and birds, distinguishable by random/rapid movement of the eyes, accompanied with low muscle tone throughout the body, and the propensity of the sleeper to dream vividly
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Secondary elaboration
how the dreamer builds a story when telling what the dream is about, adding to and changing things, which makes the analysis hard
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Secondary sleep disorders
stem from another problem e.g. pain, jet lag etc
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Sensory blockade
during REM sleep, when no information enters through the senses
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Slip of the tongue
when someone uses the wrong word for something, often uncovering an unconscious thought
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where the researcher is somehow affecting the results, perhaps by their interpretation
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refers to research methods, where the researcher is somehow affecting the results, perhaps by their interpretation
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Synaptic gap
the gap between the dendrites of one neutron and the next
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Synaptic transmission
what happens when a neurotransmitter released by an impulse of one neuron goes across the synaptic gap and is taken up at the dendrites of another neuron
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refers to findings of studies and means that they are about real-life situations, real-life behaviour or feelings that are real
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


a statement of what the study is being carried out to find



Card 3


the 'cable' that leads from a cell body of a neuron down to the terminal buttons that hold the neurotransmitter


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Card 4


a research method for studying an individual or small group and gathering in-depth and detailed information using different means


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Card 5


a disorder of the sleep-wake cycle causing problems with the body clock


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