Psychology. SEX AND GENDER

Sex and Gender

Define the word Sex.
Sex is a biological term which tells us whether someone is Male or Female.
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Define the word Gender.
Gender is a Psychological term and is more to do with how a person behaves or thinks. The three main categories for gender are: Masculine, Feminine or Androgynous.
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Give three Masculine behaviours.
Aggressiveness, Strong Mathematical ability & good spacial awareness.
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Give three Feminine behaviours.
Sensitivity, good with children & empathy
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What is Androgyny?
Androgyny refers to both Masculine and Feminine traits and roles.
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When is Gender decided? -Biological Approach.
The biological approach believes that an individual's gender is decided when the sex is decided, at conception. When a foetus is formed, it has two sex chromosomes, ** or XY. These sex chromosomes decide whether it will be male or female.
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When do the gonads change?
Up to about 6 weeks, the gonads are same. At the sixth week, the sex chromosomes begin to change the gonads. In boys, the Y chromosome switches on a hormone and changes the gonads into testes. In girls no hormone is released and ovaries are made.
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What does the biological theory believe about human behaviour?
BT believes human behaviour is instinctive and instincts have developed to help humans survive&reproduce. Therefore gender roles are instinctive.
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First criticism of the biological theory.
The biological approach ignores the idea that gender roles can be learnt.
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Second criticism of the biological theory.
if all mean are biologically similar and all women are biologically similar, why do the two sexes show such a range of behaviours.
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Third criticism of the biological theory.
Biology is relatively fixed yet gender roles can change.
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What is the Oedipus complex?
A boy wants to sleep in between his mother and father.
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What is the Electra complex?
A girl wants to marry her father.
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What is Penis envy?
A girl dreams about living in a big tower.
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What is Castration anxiety?
A boy hides his 'privates' from his father.
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What is identification?
A boy helps his father to wash the car.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define the word Gender.


Gender is a Psychological term and is more to do with how a person behaves or thinks. The three main categories for gender are: Masculine, Feminine or Androgynous.

Card 3


Give three Masculine behaviours.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Give three Feminine behaviours.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Androgyny?


Preview of the front of card 5
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Tom the destroyer


What is the Electra complex?

A girl wants to marry her father

good job me frend

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