Other questions in this quiz

2. Which studies are an example of the physiological approach?

  • Raine and Baron Cohen
  • Dabbs and Raine
  • Dabbs and Bandura

3. Which studies are an example of the psychodynamic perspective?

  • Freud and Kivilighan
  • Freud and Milgram
  • Kiviligan and Samuel and Bryant

4. Which studies are an example of the behaviourist perspective?

  • Watson and Raynor and Dabbs
  • Bandura and Watson and Raynor
  • Bandura and Samuel and Bryant

5. Which studies are an example of the individual differences approach?

  • Thigpen and Cleckley and Canter
  • Thigpen and Cleckley and Freud
  • Canter and Watson and Raynor


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