Psychology: Conformity: Asch's Line Experiment

What year did the Asch experiment take place?
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Who conducted the original experiment?
Solomon Asch
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What was the aim of the experiment?
To see how the participants conformed under social pressure from a majority
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How many participants were there?
123 male students
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How many trials were there per experiment?
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Who replicated Asch's experiment in 1980?
Perrin and Spencer
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What type of students were selected to take part in the replication of the Asch experiment?
Maths, chemistry and engineering students
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What were the variables in Asch's experiment?
All 3
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How were the participants sat during the trials?
In a line with the naive participant coming last or second to last
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What happened to the rates of conformity when there was another member of the group that didn't conform to the majority's answer
Conformity rates dropped by a quarter
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In the control group what were the rates of incorrect answers given?
1% gave incorrect answers
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How was the control group tested in Ash's experiment?
They answered each question in private on a sheet of paper
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Why did the participants conform?
Because they wanted to fit into the group and because they thought the group was right and they were wrong
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How many naive participants were there in each group?
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What happened during the replication of the experiment?
Only 1 conformed out of 396
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Who said that the Asch effect was just "a child of its time"?
Perrin and Spencer
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What does confederate mean?
An actor taking part in the experiment who pretends to be a subject but who works for the researcher
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What happened during Asch's experiment when the answers were less obvious?
Conformity rates were higher when the answers were less clear
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who conducted the original experiment?


Solomon Asch

Card 3


What was the aim of the experiment?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many participants were there?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How many trials were there per experiment?


Preview of the front of card 5
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