-Psychology Conformity-

What is Conformity ?
A change is a person's belief , behaviour and attitude as a result of group pressure.
1 of 10
What is Internalisation ?
Genuinely accepts group norms.This is a private and public change of behaviour.
Highest level of Conformity
2 of 10
What is Identification?
We value / Identify with the group,want to be part of it. Publicly change behaviour even if privately disagree.
Medium Level
3 of 10
What is Compliance?
Go along with others in public , privately disagree.Temporary change
Lowest level of conformity
4 of 10
What is an example of Internalisation?
Convert religion if all your friends are a specific religion
5 of 10
What is an example of Identification?
Being a teacher , police officer or politician (Change in Behaviour)
6 of 10
What is an example of Compliance?
Not eating meat in front of family however secretly doing so
7 of 10
Why do we conform?
Either to be liked or to be right
8 of 10
What is Normative social influence?
Need to be liked
Associated with identification.
9 of 10
What is Informational Social Influence?
Need to be right
Associated with internalisation
10 of 10

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Card 2


What is Internalisation ?


Genuinely accepts group norms.This is a private and public change of behaviour.
Highest level of Conformity

Card 3


What is Identification?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Compliance?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an example of Internalisation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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