Psychology applied options

  • Created by: PoppyFae
  • Created on: 27-02-23 20:15
What were the views of mental illness in prehistoric times?
Mental illness was thought to be due to someone being possessed by demons
The treatment for this is 'trepanning' which involves drilling into the skull in order for the spirits to be released.
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What was the view of mental illness in the late 19th century?
The views were more psychological factors rather than supernatural and this includes Freud's work which suggested that mental illness is because of the unconscious processes of the mind.
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What are the three different types of abnormality?
Statistical infrequency - low or high scores
Deviation from the social norm
Malidaptiveness - failure to function normally
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What are the two main diagnostic manuals?
The diagnostic statistics manual (DSM)- is mainly used in the USA
The International classification of diseases and related health problems (ICD - 10) - This is used outside of the USA.
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What is Rosenhan trying to investigate and what was found?
He was trying to investigate if psychiatrists can identif
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Card 2


What was the view of mental illness in the late 19th century?


The views were more psychological factors rather than supernatural and this includes Freud's work which suggested that mental illness is because of the unconscious processes of the mind.

Card 3


What are the three different types of abnormality?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the two main diagnostic manuals?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Rosenhan trying to investigate and what was found?


Preview of the front of card 5


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