
Prejudice is an extreme, unfavourable attitude associated with three negative components:
Cognitive: the Stereotypes we hold
Feelings: feelings of Hostility and Hatred
Behavioural: in terms of negative prejudice, this can be displayed as avoidance, assault, or discrimination
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Realistic Conflict Theory (Sherif)
Explains prejudice as arising from conflict between groups. This may be caused by a conflict of interest, competition for resources, dominance or land etc.
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Robber's Cave Experiment (Sherif et al.)
Found that if he introduced competition between boys at summer camp, intergroup conflict was created.

However, when groups need to work together for a common aim, there is a reduction in hostility and greater harmony between groups.
Intergroup hostility
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Evaluation of Robber's Cave Experiment
Boys were becoming hostile towards each other before the organised competitive events, perhaps the presence of another group is sufficient enough to bring about prejudice, like SIT suggests
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Social Identity Theory (Tajfel and Turner)
The mere presence or perception of the presence of another group can lead to prejudice
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Define Personal and Social Identity
Personal identity = Our own unique qualities, personality and self esteem

Social Identity = Based on the attributes of the group we belong to
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Personal and Social Identity Relationship
Because an individual identifies themselves by their membership, their personal identity is bound up with their social identity.
Meaning, when social identity is favourable, personal identity is positive and self esteem is high vice versa
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Social Comparison
To reconcile a negative social identity and therefore elevate personal identity, the attributes of the in-group must be raised by defining and emphasising the unique attributes of the in-group

At the same time, comparing and derogating the qualities of t
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In-Group Favouritism
Group members see the individuals within their group as unique and favourable
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Negative Out-group bias
View members outside the group as all the same and in an unfavourable light
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Individual Differences in Prejudice
Personality and Culture
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Personality as a factor affecting Prejudice
Authoritarian personality possessed specific characteristics that meant they were more likely to be hostile to people of difference race, social group, age, sexuality, or other minority groups.
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Scales of Personality
Designed a series of scales that would measure the authoritarian personality. Specifically, anti-semitism, ethnocentrism, conservatism, and anti democratic beliefs (F[ascism] Scale)
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Cultures may have existing social norms that legitimise prejudiced practice, has strict religious laws that endorse prejudice towards targets, or events occur that trigger prejudice towards another group

Can be generally classified as...
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(Culture) Individualistic Cultures
Individualistic cultures are those that stress the needs of the individual over the needs of the group as a whole.

people are seen as independent and autonomous
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(Culture) Collectivistic Cultures
Collectivist cultures emphasize the needs and goals of the group as a whole over the needs and desires of each individual
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Card 2


Explains prejudice as arising from conflict between groups. This may be caused by a conflict of interest, competition for resources, dominance or land etc.


Realistic Conflict Theory (Sherif)

Card 3


Found that if he introduced competition between boys at summer camp, intergroup conflict was created.

However, when groups need to work together for a common aim, there is a reduction in hostility and greater harmony between groups.
Intergroup hostility


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Card 4


Boys were becoming hostile towards each other before the organised competitive events, perhaps the presence of another group is sufficient enough to bring about prejudice, like SIT suggests


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Card 5


The mere presence or perception of the presence of another group can lead to prejudice


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