Individual Differences in Prejudice

  • Created by: pcyeolo
  • Created on: 09-03-18 11:54
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  • Individual Differences in Prejudice
    • Culture
      • A culture may have social norms that allow prejudice, e.g. Austria have banned the burka, prejudiced to muslims.
      • A culture may have strict religious views or laws that endorse prejudice, e.g. females aren't allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia; women
      • An event may have occurred in a culture that may cause prejudice, e.g. 7/7 bombings; muslims
      • Individualistic cultures (USA) have more interpersonal prejudice; about the individual
      • Collectivist cultures (China) have more inter-group prejudice
    • Personality
      • Somebody with an authoritarian personality are more likely to be prejudice, i.e. more likely to be hostile to someone of a different race, social group, age, sexuality or other ethic group
      • Adorno Et Al (1950) created a personality questionnaire to measure the authoritarian personality. It included: antisemitism scale, entrocetrism scale, conservatism scale, F-Scale (fascism) - click the arrow to see the questionnaire.
      • Adorno Et Al (1950) conducted personality questionnaires, interviews with 80 participants (40 male, 40 female), inkblot tests.
      • The authoritarian personality is: Hostile to people they see as inferior to themselves, rigid in thinking and intolerant to change, have conventional attitudes and conform to group norms, submissive to authority, obedient to those in power, had strict, unaffectionate parenting and project their anger onto others
        • Evaluation
          • Strengths: it explains bullies at school or people with extreme political ideas
          • Weaknesses: poor explanation for wide-scale prejudice (e.g. the Holocaust). Suggests that the authoritarian personality is innate (genetic) which would mean that it is not changeable, but attitude towards groups can change from time to time
    • Developmental psychology
      • The authoritarian personality may be developed in childhood through strict parenting.
      • Gender differences in obedience - as we grow through childhood.


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