Schizophrenia psychological therapies Ao1 and Ao3

  • Created by: __Jess
  • Created on: 15-02-23 14:16

1. Who noticed that CBT techniques differ between therapists and pieces of evidence, so it's not 100% certain which methods work?

  • Jauhar et al
  • McFarlane
  • Thomas et al
  • Pharaoh et al
1 of 16

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2. Who found that art therapy was equally as effective, but without the ethical issues of token economies?

  • Chiang et al
  • Glowacki et al
  • Matson et al
  • Ayllon and Azrin

3. Who found a reduction in negative symptoms when token economies were used?

  • Ayllon and Azrin
  • Glowacki et al
  • Matson et al
  • Chiang et al

4. What is the aim of CBT?

  • To teach the family how to understand it
  • To challenge thoughts and behaviours
  • To cure the cause of schizophrenia

5. What type of conditioning are token economies based on?

  • Operant
  • Classical


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