Pshychodynamic PY1 flashcards.

  • Created by: bananaaar
  • Created on: 31-03-14 20:42
1st assumption of PA?
Adult behaviour is shaped by the unconscious mind. The PA believes that there is a conflict between the 3 parts of the unconscious mind - the id, ego and superego. This conflict shapes behaviour. E.g. strong id leads to impulsive behaviour.
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2nd assumption of PA?
Behaviour is shaped by childhood experiences and early relationships. All children go through 5 psychosexual stages, if a child gets stuck (fixated) in one of the stages their later behaviour will be effected.
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2ns assumption of PA example?
E.g. child who is fixated in anal stage will become obsessively tidy in later life (anal retentive)
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What does Freud's theory state? (include id and ego)
Personality has 3 parts. ID- inborn and purely seeks pleasure. Ego - realistic and logical part of the personality . It is protected by defence mechanisms such as repression. If defence mechanisms get out of hand they can shape personality(aggressio
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What does Freud's theory state? (include superego)
Superego (4-6 years) - conscience part of the personality. This helps us to have morals and shapes our personality in light of the oedipus and leectra complexes.
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What is personality?
How effectively the ego balances the conflicting demands of the id and the superego, e.g. if ones ego cannot harness the superego one may develop a depressive personality.
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Describe psychosexual stages part of column 2?
Freud's they is based on the idea that how a child passes through 5 psychosexual stages will determine what kind of personality they have. If a child experiences a trauma in any stage, behavious becomes fixated so behaviour will become permanent.
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Describe psychosexual stages part of column 2? continued.
Smooth passage through the stages will lead to a stable and well balanced personality.
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Oedipus and Electra complexes?
Theory also uggests children have to go through O &E complexes during the phallic stage (4-6 yrs) where libido is focused on genitals and children learn to identify with same sex parent and develop gender role, conscience and morals.
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What do O&E complexes do
Form the basis of their adult personality. A fixation in the O or E complex can lead to a sexually obsessed personality where conflicts are not resolved successfully.
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What are the 5 psychosexual stages?
Oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital.
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Conclusion for collumn 2?
Theory suggests that a range of factors (including balance of id and superego and fixation in psychosexual stage) are important in determining a person's adult personality.
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Dream analysis Paragraph 1?
Main assumption of PA is the normal behaviour s determined by ego using defence mechanisms successfully to repress anxiety provoking childhood experiences from conscious mind. Abnormal behaviour such as depression is caused by overuse of repression.
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How is dream analysis applied to PA approach.
This is directly applied to dream analysis which aims to make abnormal behaviour normal by making repressed/unconscious thoughts conscious so they can be resolved.
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First stage of dream analysis.
First therapist draws out 2 layers of patients dream -story line (manifest content) and underlying meaning (latent content).
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What does therapist assume?
Events in the dream are symbolic of deeper unconscious wishes/fears. e.g. a dream about crossing a wobbly bridge could be interpreted as expressing anxiety about failing important exams due to unrealistic parental expectations when young.
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Second stage of DA?
Therapist calls the link between manifest and latent content 'dream-work' and is used to transform forbidden wishes into a non-threatening form. However therapist must not force an interpretation onto a client.
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Third stage of DA?
Therapists job is to help the client to see how conflicts in the unconscious mind are related to his/her present day problems even though they had their origin in the client's early childhood (another assumption of the PA)
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Final stage of DA?
Funally as client gains insight into these issues they should experience catharsis (emotional release), the conflicts should be resolved and any problems should go away e.g. anxiety about failing exams should lift.
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Success rate of DA?
Bergin (1971) suggested 83% of pps who received psychoanalysis (including dream analysis) improved compared to 30% of those in control groups.
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Aims of dream analysis
Therefore the aim of dream analysis - to assign meaning to dreams and reveal what is in the unconscious mind - allows one to begin to understand the assumptions of the psychodynamic approach, i.e how the unconscious mind affects behaviour.
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Card 2


2nd assumption of PA?


Behaviour is shaped by childhood experiences and early relationships. All children go through 5 psychosexual stages, if a child gets stuck (fixated) in one of the stages their later behaviour will be effected.

Card 3


2ns assumption of PA example?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does Freud's theory state? (include id and ego)


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Card 5


What does Freud's theory state? (include superego)


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