Prophecy And Revelation

Jahiliyya And Need For Revelation
1 of 103
How many Muslims are there? (x3)
1.8 billion
1/4 of global population
Second largest religion
2 of 103
What is Jahliyya and when was it?
It means ignorance and is Arabia before the coming of the Prophet
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What were the 3 problems with Arab society?
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What were the political problems?
Violence, cruelty, cannibalism, political instability and lack of social security due to tribal system, slavery, extreme poverty and exploitation of disadvantaged, denied equal rights.
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What were the social problems?
No education system, low status of women (inferior, incest, sex outside marriage, common), female infanticide, animal abuse.
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What were the economic problems?
Nomadic lifestyles (moving from place to place), alcoholism, gambling and dishonesty in business.
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Name the Quran quote about corruption
"Corruption has flooded the land and sea as a result of people's actions."
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Why was there a rise in polytheism?
Lack of monotheistic teacher (Ibrahim), worshipped 360 idols, believed idols were means to gods.
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Describe the extent of polytheism
Idols housed in Kaba, animal and humans sacrificed to them.
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Explain the 3 key benefits of the Kaba to Makkah
Makkah had important status due to proximity to Kaba.
Custodianship of Kaba = greatest privilege.
Housing of idols brought city great respect and revenue.
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What were the 2 popular faiths at this time?
Pagan belief
Faith in jinns
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Life And Teachings Of The Prophet
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Define the Prophet's name
Name his tribe
When was he orphaned?
Who raised him?
Most praiseworthy
Age 6 - when mother died
Grandfather (died 2 years later), Uncle Talib
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Name the 4 jobs the Prophet had
Describe his reputation
Shepherd, accompanied uncle on trading trips, camel driver, managed caravans.
Honest and successful trader.
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Contact with other faiths
3 key things he did in his early life
Name 2 titles he earned
Learned of their merits and flaws.
Joined Hilful Fudul (protect oppressed rights); participated in war (non combatant); assisted in reconstruction of damaged Kaba.
Al Amin (The Trustworthy) and Al Sadiq (The Truthful),
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Who did the Prophet marry?
When did the Prophet remarry?
Describe the Prophet's marriage
How many children did the Prophet have?
Employer & widow Khadija (15 year difference, sent him proposal)
After Khadija's death, 25 years later.
Loving and happy marriage
6 children - 4 daughters, 2 sons
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What did the Prophet do in cave Hira?
Quran quote (orphan)
Quiet and reflective, solitude, remembered one God, away from idol worshipping, dissatisfied with corruption and immorality, searched for solutions and immorality, sought deeper connection.
"Did He not find you an orphan and shelter you?" (Quran 93:6)
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What happened at cave Hira?
What happened after?
Powerful religious experience, instructed 'Read' 3 times, illiterate, unsure of what saying, angel said to convey message of God's oneness to people.
Got home, was shivering saying "cover me", Khadija comforted, reassured wasn't possessed by satanic but a
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What did following revelations address?
What did his teachings include?
Problems he perceived in his society (idolatry, inequality, injustice).
Strict monotheism, challenged idol worship, strong moral code, hope for eternal life after death.
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Why were Meccan leaders defensive of their way of lives?
Idol worshipping entrenched in culture and brought money; proud to maintain ancestor traditions; content with status quo of masters owning slaves and living luxuriously.
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How did the Meccan leaders try to stop the Prophet preaching?
Who were the Meccans' first targets?
Initially mocked, began to worry about increasing popularity, offered authority, money and beautiful women.
Poorer Muslims - verbal and physical abuse, torture, often murder.
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What other way did Meccans oppose Muslims?
What else happened during this period of oppression?
3 year boycott - Muslim properties attached and businesses forbidden to sell their goods to Muslims.
Both Khadija and Abu Talib died
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How did follower number change?
What was the Prophet's reaction to period of persecution?
First 13 years teaching, number in Makkah low (100) but grew to around 800 in Yathrib.
Didn't retaliate, maintained policy of non-violence and prayed for his enemies to change their attitude.
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Why did the Prophet choose Yathrib?
Why was the Prophet among the last to leave?
God commanded the Prophet and first Muslims left city and settled elsewhere, was promised protection and loyalty.
He wanted to ensure the safety of others.
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What is hijra?
Who did the Prophet go with and how long did it take?
What happened when the Prophet arrived to Yathrib?
The migration - marks the start of the Islamic calendar.
His friend, Abu Bakr - 8 days.
He was welcomed with open arms and they unanimously agreed to appoint him as leader of the city.
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What 3 key events marked this new chapter in Islam?
The first central mosque - Religious, social, political and legal centre of Islam.
Fraternity established - Each helper took in migrant and treated them like own family.
Constitution of Madinah drawn up - Established unified sovereign state based on justi
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3 roles of the Prophet
2 characteristics that made the Prophet popular and successful
What happened after the first few months?
Able politician, statesman and moral guide.
Benevolent personality and democratic leadership style.
First lived in peace and security but Meccan leaders amassed army to attack Madinah and end Islam.
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How did the Prophet respond to this?
What was the outcome?
Prophet assumed military role to lead Muslim army to fight in self-defence.
Despite being outnumbered, Muslims defeated their enemies.
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What pact was made between Meccans and Muslims?
When was this pact broken?
How did the Prophet respond to this?
10 year peace agreement (allowed for Muslims to perform Hajj).
When Meccans attacked allies of Prophet.
Marched to Makkah with 10,000 Muslims for bloodless coup, granted general pardon to persecutors, all idols in Kaba destroyed to restore as worship for
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What did the Prophet say in his Last Sermon?
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab and a non-Arab has no superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action"
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What happened to almost the entire Meccan population?
What happened within 2 years of the Prophet's death?
Karen Armstrong quote
Became Muslim - caused first Islamic state to be formed.
Islamic rule spread over entire Arab Peninsula and Islam was dominant religion.
"Muhammad was frequently in deadly peril and his survival was a near miracle. But he did succeed."
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Arabic reference to angels
How are angels different from humans?
Quran quote on angels
Have no free will and can only obey God's commands.
"They do not speak before He speaks and they act by His command."
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How does the Quran explain angels?
What form do angels come in?
How did Angel Jibril appear to Isa (PBUH)?
How did Angel Jibril appear to Muhammad (SAW)?
They work in their respective spheres and carry out responsibilities assigned to them.
Don't possess any fixed material form but can still be identified when appear to people.
In the form of a dove.
In the form of an ordinary human.
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What is the role of angels?
Name 4 purposes of angels
Intermediaries between God and his creation.
Give people strength in times of need and assure them of heavenly support; protection individuals and record their deeds ('noble scribes'); support believers during war; accompany souls of people to next life.
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What are archangels?
Who are the archangels?
There's a hierarchy among angels with the highest-ranking ones being called archangels.
Jibril, Mikhail, Israfil.
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Name 2 ways Jibril is referred to in the Quran
How many times is he mentioned by name?
What is Jibril's role?
'The Holy Spirit' and 'The Trustworthy Spirit'
3 times
Messenger of revelation between God and his prophets
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Name 4 things Angel Jibril did for Muhammad (SAW)
Name 1 thing Angel Jibril does for Muslims
Name 1 thing Angel Jibril did for Adam (PBUH)
Delivered the entire Quran to the Prophet; taught the Prophet how pray; showed him heaven; visited him every night in Ramadan to teach the Quran.
Descends during Laylat-al-Qadr.
Appeared at his side after his expulsion from paradise and showed him how to
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Name 1 thing Angel Jibril did for Musa
Name 1 thing Shias believe Angel Jibril did for the ahl-al-bayt
Appeared in Egypt to help him deceive Egyptians into entering Red Sea in pursuit of Jews.
Visited much of ahl-al-bayt - Ali and Fatimah (Prophet's daughter and Ali's wife),
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What was Mika'il's role?
What has this been interpreted to mean?
Name 2 ways he interacted with humans
Took care of the provision and maintenance of life.
In charge of the plants and rain - provides food for the body and soul.
Accompanied Jibril and Israfil to visit Ibrahim and inform him his wife would have a son; warned about destruction of people of L
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Who is Israfil?
Mentioned as being angel who blows trumpet - first to announce the end of time, second to announce the Day of Judgement.
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Revelation And The Role And Nature Of Prophets
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Why does God appoint prophets?
How are prophets given great respect?
What is nabuwwa?
How many prophets did the Prophet say God sent to the world?
To receive wahy (revelation) to communicate his will to humans.
Say 'peace be upon him' after their names.
Prophecy or the system of prophethood.
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What is a nabi?
What is a rusul?
Why have so many prophets been sent?
How many prophets does the Quran mention by name?
Someone who gives news.
Describes prophets.
Each prophet is sent to pass on messages from God to people living in their particular time and location.
At least 25 prophets.
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Name 8 purposes of prophets
Strengthen belief in tawhid; give glad tidings to believers and warnings to non-believers; purify people; establish justice; resolve disputes between people and unite humanity; separate the wicked from the community of believers; provide proof of God’s ex
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Name 3 ways prophets in Islam differentiate from figures in other religions
They have limited knowledge and don’t claim to know everything.
They can’t be guilty of sin.
They are mortal and can’t return from the dead.
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Where does the initial disagreement of nabi and rasul come from?
What is the plural of nabi and rasul?
Muslims believe some given new message/law to replace earlier one, e.g. if previous guidance became unreliable/irrelevant as circumstances changed.
Anbiya and rusul.
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How are anbiya and rusul different? (5 ways)
Hadith states there’s been 124,000 anbiya and 313 rusul.
All rusul are anbiya but not all anbiya are rusul.
Rusul given a new religious law (Sharia) while anbiya are given a previous one.
Rusul and anbiya mentioned separately in Quran. Quran refers to n
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How are anbiya and rusul not different? (5 ways)
Hadith classified as weak therefore unreliable.
Two terms interchangeable - all anbiya are rusul.
Not all rusul bring new laws (Ismail and Isa) called rasul but followed a previous Sharia.
Prophets can have multiple descriptions - rasul and nabi are tw
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Who was Adam (PBUH)?
Briefly describe his story
Why is he highly regarded?
First prophet, first man and God’s caliph (deputy/vice general) whom angels had to serve.
Lived with Hawwa in garden, stayed away from tree representing evil but were deceived by Satan, rejected from garden.
God chose him over all the people of his tim
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How was Ibrahim referred to?
What did he reject?
What is he presented as an example of?
Who were his 2 sons?
"Father of the prophets" - one of the Prophet's ancestors.
Idolatry - thrown into fire by enemies but survived.
Obedience and faith.
Ishaq and Ismail - were also prophets.
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What happened in Ibrahim's dream?
What event occurred that was commemorated in Id-ul-Adha?
What did he do with Ismail?
What religious text was he given?
Sacrificed Ismail, shared with son, didn't hesitate, ready to sacrifice life.
God replaced with ram, praised for spirit of dedication.
Rebuilt the Kaba.
The Scrolls, one of the earliest known divine texts, believed to be lost.
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Who was Musa?
Who was his brother?
What key thing did he do?
Main prophet of Judaism - mentioned most times in the Quran.
Harun - also a prophet.
Freed Israelites from slavery under harsh rule of Pharaoh in Egypt.
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What miracle did Musa complete?
What religious text was he given?
Parting of the seas to allow the Israelites to escape.
Tawrat - Muslims believe this became distorted while scribes were composing books from memory 1,000 years after Musa.
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Who was Dawud?
What is he remembered for?
What religious text was he given?
One of the Israelite prophets after Musa.
His wisdom, prayers and fasting; his victory against oppressive Goliath, after which he was made king of the Israelites, signifying both spiritual and worldly honour.
Zabur (Psalms) containing songs, prayers and
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What miracles did Isa complete?
How is Isa different from Jesus?
What did Isa foretell?
His own birth didn't involve a biological father; created birds out of clay; brought dead back to life (symbolic meaning - brought people our of darkness into light).
Was not divine, God’s literal son or killed on cross according to Quran.
The coming of a
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What religious text was Isa given?
What do Muslims believe about Isa now?
Injil (Gospel) – not the four gospels in Christian New Testament which Muslims believe are unreliable. Muslims believe much of Injil became lost, forgotten or altered.
Isa remains physically alive and will come to Earth again on the Day of Judgement.
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What makes Muhammad (SAW) notable?
How does the Quran describe the Prophet?
What is the Prophet praised for?
Gave a universal message for all times.
Perfect man with 'a strong character', 'a light', and 'a mercy... to all people'.
Personified all qualities (humility, patience, forgiveness, justice) in all situations (persecution, authority) as a lesson for all
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What sources of authority come from the Prophet?
How is the Prophet remembered many times daily?
What religious text was the Prophet given?
Hadith and Sunnah - second to the Quran.
Included in special prayer asking God to bless him and the ummah.
The Quran along with its correct understanding and implementation.
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How does the Quran refer to the Prophet as?
Why is the Prophet referred to as in this way?
Khatam an-Nabiyyin (seal of the prophets) - Last in line of prophets and messengers beginning with Adam.
Was given final scripture and Shariah that was never to be changed or replaced.
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62 of 103
What is the Quran?
What does the Quran consist of?
How is the Quran a direct revelation from God?
The main holy book and primary source of guidance in Islam - written in Arabic.
Commandments relating to moral and social behaviour and worship.
Given to the Prophet from Angel Jibril - revealed gradually over the last 23 years of his life.
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Why is the Quran the highest source of wisdom and authority?
How is the Quran described as?
Why is the Quran the final and perfect revelation to humanity?
Free from error, unchangeable, the basis of sharia and a sign of God’s omnipotence.
A ‘blessed scripture’ and ‘a mercy’.
Only scripture meant for all times, all people and all places.
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What comprehensive information and guidance does the Quran offer on?
What is most of the Quran about?
All matters - from the creation of universe and humans to right way to worship and how should treat others.
The nature and actions of God and how people should act in order to have a relationship with Him.
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3 facts about Surah Al-Fatiha
Most frequently recited Surah in the Quran.
Teaches about God’s principal attributes and includes a prayer for guidance and protection against evil.
Summary of the whole Quran.
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What does Surah Al-Baqarah do?
What does the title of the chapter ('Cow') refer to?
Summarises Quranic teachings.
The time of Musa, when his followers began to worship the golden calf, against his wishes. Interpreted as warning to Muslims not to make same error of being disobedient and to believe in God and submit to His will.
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What else does this Surah refer to in terms of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH)?
Records prayer of Ibrahim asking God to raise prophet among Meccans in the future who should recite God’s signs and guide them along a spiritual path that would transform them into a great nation. Muslims believe this prayer was fulfilled with the appeara
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Name 6 themes this chapter covers
The afterlife; divine revelations and prophethood; injunctions about prayers, fasting, pilgrimage; marriage, divorce, inheritance, care of orphans and widows; preparedness of martyrdom; prohibition of charging interest on loans.
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What period of time was the Quran revealed over?
How was each revelation experienced?
23 years.
Each revelation was a powerful experience which overwhelmed the Prophet.
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How was the Quran compiled?
Quran quote (Quran 15:9)
Prophet dictated revelations to many scribes who recorded them carefully and great efforts made to preserve them word for word - entire text of the Quran remains unchanged and won’t be distorted by humans.
We have sent down the Quran Ourself, and we Ours
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What did the University of Birmingham discover in 2015?
One of the earliest known Quranic manuscripts from around the time of the Prophet.
The text (Surahs 18-20) is the same as the words in the Quran read by Muslims today.
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Name the 4 reasons the original Quranic text stayed intact
Uthman’s adoption of a single version of the Quran across the Muslim world.
Sunnis and Shias accept and read the same version today.
Tradition of Hifz (committing Quran to memory) in Muslim communities worldwide.
Obligatory recitation of Quran in Salah a
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What must Muslims do before touching the Quran?
Name 4 things to consider regarding the treatment of the Quran
Hadith quote
Treat the Quran with the utmost respect and prefer to perform wudu (ablution).
recited melodiously; covered in cloth to keep it clean; never allowed to touch the floor; kept as high as possible, such as the top shelf on a bookcase, as a symbol of its auth
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Salah, Worship & Other Forms Of Prayer
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Name 4 reasons Salah is important
How is Quran commemorated by Muslims daily?
Purpose of everyone’s life is to worship God.
Highest form to fulfil obligation is Salah.
Establishes direct and lasting relationship with God, attaining taqwa (God-consciousness), receiving comfort and keeping away from sin.
Hadith states first question
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What is minor ablution?
Why is minor ablution important?
What is major ablution?
Why must care be taken with personal appearance and clothing?
Sequence of washing or wiping various parts of the body with water, including head and feet.
Ensures physical cleanliness and reminds worshipper to approach prayer with clear mind and heart.
(Ghusl) is required when the entire body needs to be clean, suc
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Why are prayer spread out over the course of the day?
How is each prayer preceded?
To bring Muslim’s mind back to their purpose (worship God) and to put this duty above all others.
The adhan (call to prayer) announcing the time of prayer.
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What is the direction of prayer?
What are the exceptions for not following this direction?
Qiblah - Muslims must face Mecca, where the Kaba is located for unity, not because the Kaba is to be worshipped.
Exception if travelling in vehicle or immobile due to health reasons.
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When can it be difficult to concentrate?
How must salah start?
How should salah be offered?
What happens when there are distractions during salah?
Busy, lack motivation or face difficulties.
With niyyah (intention) to focus the mind on the prayer to be offered.
With complete attentiveness and desire to connect with God, not solely as ritualistic act of piety.
Could make Salah void and Quran conde
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Name 5 other forms of prayer
The nawafil (extra prayers) – Prayers offered throughout day outside Salah, rewarded by God as believer goes out of way to offer extra prayers.
Tahajjud (pre-dawn prayer) – Nafl prayer offered specifically late a night before Fajr, carries particular ble
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Name 5 other forms of prayer (continued)
Dua (supplication) – ‘Cry of the heart’ or to summon, usually performed with raising of hands. Set prayers recited and person prays for anything they wish – can be individually or collectively.
Wird – Devotional form of prayer, including recitation of Qu
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What is Jummah prayer?
How does the Quran refer to Jummah?
On Friday afternoon, Muslims congregate in mosques to listen to a sermon (khutbah) by the imam and worship together.
Muslims are told in the Quran to ‘leave off your trading’ and ‘hurry towards the reminder of God’ on this day - highlights Jummah as an i
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What blessings are possible from Jummah prayer?
Opportunity for sins to be forgiven; congregational prayer promotes community and provides opportunities for believers to reconnect and ensure each other’s wellbeing.
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Sawm And Ramadan
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What are the 2 types of fasting?
What does fasting involve?
When does the fast start and end?
Optional (weekly, following practice of Prophet) and compulsory (during the month of Ramadan)
Fasting involves giving up food and drink, sex and close intimacy (kissing).
Starts at first light of dawn and ends at sunset.
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How did the Prophet fast?
Name 2 types of benefits from fasting
Who is exempt from fasting?
Prophet would eat something at suhur and break the fast at iftar with dates and water and Muslims follow his example.
Health and spiritual benefits so seen as a blessing rather than burden.
Sick; travellers on long journeys; elderly whose health would be
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Name the 4 religious and moral benefits of fasting
Closer to God and develop spirituality and taqwa.
Extra prayers offered, especially at night, receive special acceptance from God.
Hunger & thirst helps appreciate suffering of less fortunate.
Instils self-restraint and chance to reflect on behaviour a
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What is Ramadan?
How long does it last?
What do Muslims do while fasting?
The month when Angel Jibril first visited the Prophet to reveal the Quran.
29-30 days, starting with sighting of the crescent moon and ending with festival of Id-ul-Fitr.
Spend days reflecting on God’s blessings and attributes as a means of avoiding inap
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How did the Prophet describe the purpose of observing Ramadan?
What does Hadith say about fasting?
“Whoever does not give up lying and evil deeds and saying bad words to others then God is not in need of their leaving food and drink."
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What is the Night of Power?
How does the Quran refer to the Night of Power?
When the prophet received the first Quranic revelation. This is a night when a person has all their prayers accepted or when angels come to support them.
When this happens, it is ‘better than a thousand months’ (Quran 97:3) which means no one can measure
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When is the Night of Power for Sunnis?
When is the Night of Power for Shias?
What does the Hadith say about the Night of Power?
For Sunnis, this is done in the last ten days of Ramadan, particularly the odd-numbered nights.
Shias seek the 19th, 21st and 23rd nights.
The Night Of Power can remove past sins: ‘Whoever spends this night in prayer out of faith and in the hope of rewar
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Festivals And Commemorations
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What does Id ul Adha commemorate?
What is Qurbani?
Festival of sacrifice which commemorates the story of Ibrahim and Ismail’s obedience to God on 10th day of Dhul Hijjah.
During the Hajj, animals are sacrificed and their meat is shared among people in need. Reminder that just as animals are sacrificed fo
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How do people celebrate Id ul Adha?
What reminder does Id ul Adha bring to Muslims?
People buy new clothes and families go to the mosque to offer a special Id prayer and listen to a sermon. It’s a public holiday in Muslim countries.
To be ready to follow the example of Ibrahim and his family and offer themselves in God’s service as taug
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When is Id ul Fitr?
What is Id ul Fitr for?
How do people celebrate Id ul Fitr?
First day of Shawwal, month following Ramadan.
Muslims express their gratitude to God for the blessings of Ramadan.
People wear new clothes, families go the mosque to offer a special Id prayer and listen to a sermon. People exchange gifts and celebrate
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What does the head of each family do in Id ul Fitr?
What does Id ul Fitr remind Muslims?
Gives ‘zakat al-Fitr’ which goes towards less fortunate members of society.
Reminds Muslims to maintain self-discipline and other benefits gained during Ramadan all year round.
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What is Id al-Ghadir celebrated for and by whom is it celebrated?
Hadith quote
How is Id ul Ghadir celebrated?
To commemorate the revelation at a pond called Khum where they believe that Ali had been designated as the Prophet’s successor - by Shias.
“Whoever took me as his mawla (authority), Ali is his mawla.”
Celebrated in many ways – includes eulogies of the ah
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What is Ashura?
How do mosques contribute to commemorating Ashura?
Commemorates the anniversary of the martyrdom of the grandson of the prophet and third Imam for Shia Muslims on the 10th of Muharram.
Gatherings are held at the mosque every night from the first day of Muharram to Ashura (tenth day). Mosques are usually
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Name 3 other ways Shias commemorate Ashura?
Every year, millions of Shias Muslims go on pilgrimage to the shrine of Hussain in Karbala.
The period of mourning stops forty days after Ashura.
Some express grief through poetry or a play to re-enact the death of Imam Hussain.
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Why do some Shias carry out self-flagellations?
How do many Shia scholars respond to this?
Symbol of reverence and willingness to give blood for the ahl al-bayt. By scratching and cutting themselves, feel closer to Ali and Hussain, who suffered greatly at hands of their enemies, seen as important expression of devotion to Imams.
Reject such ac
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How do the young interpret this?
Name 2 criticisms of self-flagellation
Some young donate blood through the NHS to honour Hussain’s sacrifice.
The Prophet never led processions or struck himself for any purpose. Many other martyrs in early Islam but their deaths aren’t commemorated in the same manner.
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Hadith criticising self-flagellation
Quran exhorts believers to be ‘steadfast’ at times of tragedy and the Prophet also taught ‘Wailing over the dead is one of the affairs of the days of Jahiliyya (ignorance)’ – Hadith.
Hence many question if it’s necessary to dwell on past injustices in th
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many Muslims are there? (x3)


1.8 billion
1/4 of global population
Second largest religion

Card 3


What is Jahliyya and when was it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What were the 3 problems with Arab society?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were the political problems?


Preview of the front of card 5
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