preventing and treating disease

what non specific systems does the body use to prevent pathogens getting into it ?
- skin
- mucus in the nose
- stomach acid
1 of 13
what three functions do white blood cells have ?
- phagocytosis
- producing antibodies
- producing antitoxins
2 of 13
what happens during phagocytosis ?
phagocyte is attracted to the area of infection, engulfs pathogen, releases enzymes to digest pathogen
3 of 13
what are antigens ?
proteins on surface of a pathogen
4 of 13
why are antibodies a specific defence ?
have to be right shape for pathogens unique antigens so they target a specific pathogen
5 of 13
what is the function of an antitoxin ?
neutralise toxins produced by pathogens
6 of 13
what does a vaccine contain ?
small quantity of a dead or inactive form of pathogen
7 of 13
how does vaccination protect against a specific pathogen ?
stimulates the body to produce antibodies, if the same pathogen reenters the body white blood cells rapidly produce correct antibodies.
8 of 13
what is herd immunity ?
when most of the population is vaccinated against a disease, less likely to spread.
9 of 13
what is an antibiotic ?
a drug that kills bacteria but not viruses
10 of 13
what do painkillers do ?
treat some symptoms of diseases and relieve pain
11 of 13
what properties of new drugs are clinical trials disigned to test ?
- toxicity
- optimum dose
12 of 13
give two examples in which monoclonal antibodies can be used for
- treating cancer
- in pregnancy tests
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what three functions do white blood cells have ?


- phagocytosis
- producing antibodies
- producing antitoxins

Card 3


what happens during phagocytosis ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are antigens ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why are antibodies a specific defence ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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