
  • Created by: jodi
  • Created on: 10-01-19 18:33
How do you carry out a titration? E.g. Using sodium hydroxide solution and vinegar solution
Rinse and fill a burette with the sodium hydroxide solution. Use a pipette filler to rinse the pipette and transfer 25cm of the vinegar solution to the conical flask. Add three trops of phenolphthalein indicator to the conical flask and titrate.
1 of 5
What is the colour change when you titrate a vinegar solution using sodium hydroxide solution? (NaOH in burette)
Colourless to pink.
2 of 5
Suggest two ways in which the accuracy of a titration can be increased.
Rinse the pipette/burette; ensure there are no air bubbles in the pipette/burette; swirl the contents of the flask; add the solution from the burette dropwise near the end; read the scale at the bottom of the meniscus
3 of 5
Suggest two ways in which the reliability of a titration can be increased?
Repeat the titration to obtain more than one accurate titre; average the accurate titres
4 of 5
Describe how you would prepare 250cm of a 7.4g dm solution of the organic acid. The density of the acid is 0.80g cm.
Weigh 1.85g of the acid in a small beaker. Pour the acid into a 250cm volumetric flask. Use deionised water to wash any drops of acid remaining into the vol flask. Add deionised water to the vol flask to the fill line. Stopper and invert to mix.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the colour change when you titrate a vinegar solution using sodium hydroxide solution? (NaOH in burette)


Colourless to pink.

Card 3


Suggest two ways in which the accuracy of a titration can be increased.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Suggest two ways in which the reliability of a titration can be increased?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe how you would prepare 250cm of a 7.4g dm solution of the organic acid. The density of the acid is 0.80g cm.


Preview of the front of card 5


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