PP Psychoanalytic Approach

Psychoanalysis is?
Procedures relating to personality change or treatment
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Three forces to determine behaviour?
Influence of early childhood, unconscious motives and conflict, and sexual and aggressive urge coping mechanisms
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5 stages of psychosexual development?
Oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. The erogenous zone becomes sensitive and libido is directed, and then it must be freed (involving conflicts) in order to move onto the next stage
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How can these lead to issues later in adult life?
Insufficient or excessive gratification at any stage leads to fixation
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Oral stage?
0-12 months, pleasure obtained from things like sucking and eating
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Fixation on the oral stage?
Frustrated: smoking, overeating, alcohol abuse, thumb sucking. Over-induldged: dependent relationships, wanting to be the centre of attention
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Anal stage?
2-3 years, pleasure obtained from contraction and relaxation of muscles that control bowels (task- toilet training)
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Fixation on the anal stage?
Anal retentive: perfectionism, upset by mess. Anal expulsive: careless and messy
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Phallic stage?
4-5 years, pleasure from self-stimulation. Conflicr over masturbation and the oedipus and electra complexes
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Oedipus complex?
Boy's attachment to his mother, resentful to father, fears father will retaliate and leads to castration anxiety
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Electra complex?
Girl's attachment to her father, penis envy, blame mother for anatomical deficiency, resentful to mother
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Fixation at the phallic stage?
If hostility remains (instead of focusing on fear of castration and loss of mother's love) it will lead to phallic character: self-assured, reckless, fear of intimacy
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Latency period?
7-11 years, libido is dormant, focused on schooling and making same-sex friends
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Genital stage?
11+ years, libido is again focused on the genitals, but instead of autoerotic (masturbation) it is heterosexual. The task is intercourse with the opposite sex
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Case study?
Little Hans, 5 years old, phobia of horses, and interest in his penis, horse was a symbol of his father
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Three levels of awareness?
Conscious (aware), preconscious (can be aware if we direct focus), unconscious (strong influence on behaviour, not aware, eg. sexual and aggressive drives)
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Human mind is like a?
An iceberg
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Two examples of evidence for unconscious?
Freudian slips and dreams
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Freudian slips?
May express hidden wishes, eg. may I insult you (may I escort you)
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Manifest content: what we remember. Latent content: the hidden meanings. Dreams are full of symbols whish represent underlying wish fulfillment
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Two dynamics?
Psychic energy (source of human motivation, used for psychological functioning) leads to cathexis (investment of psychic energy among personality structures)
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Three structures of personalty?
ID (pleasure principle), EGO (reality principle) SUPEREGO (moral principle)
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Every day conflicts cause frustration, which lead to tension and therefore anxiety
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Solutions to conflicts?
Defence mechanisms: unconscious reactions that protect a person from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety and guilt
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Examples of defence mechanisms?
Repression (forgetting), regression (immature patterns), denial (refusal), displacement (transfer feelings), sublimation (benefits society), reaction formation (opposite), rationalisation (justify), projection (guilt), identification (with powerful)
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Issues with Frued?
Deterministic, reductionist, not empirical, emphasis on sexuality, lack of testability
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Three forces to determine behaviour?


Influence of early childhood, unconscious motives and conflict, and sexual and aggressive urge coping mechanisms

Card 3


5 stages of psychosexual development?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can these lead to issues later in adult life?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Oral stage?


Preview of the front of card 5
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