PP Cognitive Views

Personality is influenced by?
A person's thoughts, observations and knowledge
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George Kelly: personal construct theory?
Behaviour depends on how we process and understand information. We try to understand the world so that we can predict and control events
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Constructive alternativism?
The idea that there are multiple ways for a person to view the world
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Each person is a?
A scientist, meaning we have our own theories (thoughts and actions) of the world events
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Theories/interpretations= constructs. Hypothesis= predictions. Testing= sometimes correct and sometimes wrong. This is what determines our behaviour
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Basis of the theory?
Construct: a way of perceiving people, events and the world. This is through looking for similarities and differences, and we base our predicitons on these similarities and differences. The more similar = the more likely to happen
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How do we construe/ make constructs?
The better the constructs fit, the more accurate the predictions will be
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Why do we need constructs?
Order and regularity into lives, which would otherwise be chaotic
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What types of constructs do people use?
For personality: we have a construct of what a personality is and we can apply it to a new person
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Constructs are bi-?
Bi-polar: they have polar opposites called 'contrasts'. Eg. construct = happy, contrast = sad.
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Three elements needed to form constructs?
Two elements must be perceived as similar to eachother, and the third element must be perceived as different from these two. Similarity pole and contrast pole
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What if people can't see anything/anyone as being the opposite?
This is said to be submerged. It is preverbal: construct has no words to express it. Whereas verbal can be expressed in words
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How do constructs predict behaviour?
Construct systems: consists of all an individual's constructs arranged in a meaningful hierarchical order
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Meaningful hierarchical order of constructs?
Broad constructs (superior) and narrow constructs (subordinate)
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Chian et al (1990)?
Different personalities/behaviour is due to having different constructs and/or, having constructs in different order
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Core VS peripheral constructs?
Core= most basic and meaningful. Peripheral= less basic and can be altered without serious modification of the overall structure
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Rep grid?
2 procedures: the developmental of a list of persons based on the role titles, and the development of constructs based on the comparisons of triads of people
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Role title list of people?
Eg. mother, father, teacher, friend, neighbour. These are ELEMENTS
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Triads of people?
Three people from the list are selected and compared, which constitutes a construct. These constructs are then listed
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Simple VS complex?
Simple= few constructs, complex= many constructs. Complex people were more accurate in predicting the behaviour of others than simple people. This can also determine how you handle inconsistent information about people
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Changing constructs?
If there is an inconsistency between a contruct (eg. smart but fails exams), then the constructs will then be modified in order to generate more accurate predictions in the future
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How do constructs influence behaviour?
We choose our behaviour to offer the greatest chance to put the constructs to the test, which is motivation behaviour. Similar to a bet
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Oriented towards the?
Future- we do things now to have effects in the future
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Theory of locus of control?
Based on the idea of a trait. Looks at the amount of control you think you have on aspects of your life
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Defining locus of control?
Refers to our individual views of the source of reasons for outcomes in life
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Personal attribution system?
How much responsibility we take for what happens to us
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Two aspects of locus of control?
Internal: attribute outcomes to yourself, external: attribute outcomes to other things
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Measuring locus of control?
Take LOC test, indicate levels of agreement for each of the question. The higher the score, the more likely you have internal locus of control
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Internal locus of control?
Feel they have control, their failures are determined by actions, they accept credit for success, and they take responsibility
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External locus of control?
Feel they don't have control, believe that fate or people of authority are more powerfult han them, blame failures on external factors, and take no responsibility for their actions
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Best locus of control?
Generally internal, as this can help improve, although it may be ahrd to deal with failures, you can still take credit for success
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Is it general and stable?
It is a continuum in which individuals vary, it may be quite general and stable. However, can also be specific
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How does it predict behaviour?
Internal tends to have better academic achievement, better interpersonal relations, greater efforts to learn, positive attitudes towards exercise, lower cigarette smoking, and lower hypertension and heart attacks
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Findley and Cooper (1983)?
Found internal tend to get higher grades than external
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Patients in confinement given knowledge score and attitude scale score. Overall, internals showed more active coping with fear, restrictions and loss of personal control
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How do the locus of controls develop?
Shaped by interactions with others, especially parents (nurturing more likely to lead to internal). Also linked to social class (lower social classes are more external)
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Bandura: self-efficacy?
Refers to a person's perceived expectations of success, having faith in one's ability to complete the task
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How does self-efficacy influence behaviour?
Determinant of people's choice of activities, how much effort they will expend and how long they will sustain the effort in stressful situation
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Self-efficacy high VS low?
High: confident that we can carry out the task and succeed. Low: worry that the skills needed are beyond our abilities
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Reciprocal determinism?
Cognition or thoughts, behaviours and the environment are all interdependent. Eg. I will succeed - I will revise - I will pass my year - I am a success
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What determines a sense of self-efficacy?
Performance accomplishments, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and emotional arousal
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


George Kelly: personal construct theory?


Behaviour depends on how we process and understand information. We try to understand the world so that we can predict and control events

Card 3


Constructive alternativism?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Each person is a?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




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