Poverty (topic 1) (completed)

  • Created by: Ellie Rae
  • Created on: 05-04-17 23:15
Absolute Poverty
The biological needs of a human e.g. food water clothing ad shelter - the minimum requirements to survive.
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Relative Poverty
Townsend- poverty in relation to a generally accepted standard of living in a society at a specific time - taking into account social and cultural needs as well as biological.
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Social Exclusion
Where people lack the resources enabling them to participate fully in their society cutting them off from normal life.
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Environmental Poverty
Living in an area of deprivation in terms of bad housing, bad education etc.
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Personal Effects of Poverty
Issues like hunger, illness and lack of education.
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Subjective Poverty
Refers to peoples own feeling about weather they are in poverty or not, usually in relation to other members of society with whom they compare themselves to.
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The Official Poverty Line
The dividing point between those who are poor and those who are rich. The poverty line in Britain today is 60% of average income.
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Minimum Income Standard (MIS)
A research method which identifies what incomes different types of households require to reach a socially acceptable living standard.
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Dependency Culture
(Oscar Lewis) A set of values thought to exist among the poor where by they depend on the welfare state through services such as benefits. this culture acts as a barrier to prevent the poor from escaping poverty.
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Material and Structural Explanation
A more sympathetic view of the poor and is oppositional to the dependency culture - the cycle of deprivation.
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Cycle of Deprivation
Coates and Silburn - An explanation of how one aspect of poverty (poor housing) can lead to further poverty (poor health) building up to a cycle of which you cannot escape therefore leading to the poverty trap.
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Poverty Trap
The situation of being unable to escape poverty because of being dependent on state benefits, which are reduced by the same amount as any extra income gained.
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The Underclass
Created by New Right sociologist Charles Murray, the social group right at the bottom of the social class hierarchy who are socially excluded and put down.
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Card 2


Townsend- poverty in relation to a generally accepted standard of living in a society at a specific time - taking into account social and cultural needs as well as biological.


Relative Poverty

Card 3


Where people lack the resources enabling them to participate fully in their society cutting them off from normal life.


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Card 4


Living in an area of deprivation in terms of bad housing, bad education etc.


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Card 5


Issues like hunger, illness and lack of education.


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