Population Change

What is natural change?
The difference in population due to births and deaths, per 1000, per year.
1 of 15
How is population change calculated?
(Births - Deaths) + (Immigration - Emigration).
2 of 15
Is the Birth Rate expressed as a number or a ratio?
A number.
3 of 15
Is Fertility Rate expressed as a number or a ratio?
A ratio.
4 of 15
By how much does the world's population increase each year?
Rougly 80 million.
5 of 15
What is Fertility Rate?
The ratio of live births in an area (e.g. a country) to the population of that area.
6 of 15
What are some historical causes of population growth?
Invention of metal tools, advances in crop growing and plant breeding, improvements in medicine and hygiene, better preservation and storage of food.
7 of 15
What is a population structure?
The composition of a population (often expressed through a population pyramid).
8 of 15
What is a dependency ratio?
The old and young in a population : people of working age.
9 of 15
What is the juvenility index?
The population who are 0 - 15 divided by the population who are over 16.
10 of 15
What is the old age index?
The population who are over 60 divided by the population who are between 16 and 59.
11 of 15
What can be negative impacts of Rural-Urban migration for a rural area?
The older population are left behind, a male/female imbalance, a fall in Birth Rate and a rise in the Death Rate.
12 of 15
What does a population pyramid show?
The results of births and deaths
13 of 15
What are the costs of migration for the source country?
Loss of young adult labour force and skilled workers, male/female imbalance.
14 of 15
What are the costs of migration for the host country?
Educating the migrants' children, over dependence on migrant labour, increased pressure on resources
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How is population change calculated?


(Births - Deaths) + (Immigration - Emigration).

Card 3


Is the Birth Rate expressed as a number or a ratio?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Is Fertility Rate expressed as a number or a ratio?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


By how much does the world's population increase each year?


Preview of the front of card 5
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