Population concerns

  • Created by: C.Bagshaw
  • Created on: 12-01-17 13:27
What did Thomas Malthus suggest in 1798?
That the world's rate of population growth was outrunning the development of food supplies.
1 of 8
In his book 'the population bomb', what did Paul Ehrlich suggest?
That Malthus's argument was correct.
2 of 8
What are the 3 points of view about population control?
Neo-malthusian, Cornucopian and neutral
3 of 8
In the Neo-malthusian view point what do they view the land as having?
A fixed carrying capacity
4 of 8
Suggest 2 key people who support the Cornucopian view point.
Simon (relating to economic growth) and Boserup (agriculture)
5 of 8
What does Arrow et al (2012) note about the patterns of economic growth?
That they are not sustainable due to the level of environmental damage .
6 of 8
According to Pogge (2008) what are 4 main reasons for world poverty being ignored?
Futility , Gigantic , counterproductive and optimism
7 of 8
According to Pogge (2008) what % of reduction in our standard of living would eradicate poverty?
8 of 8

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Card 2


In his book 'the population bomb', what did Paul Ehrlich suggest?


That Malthus's argument was correct.

Card 3


What are the 3 points of view about population control?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In the Neo-malthusian view point what do they view the land as having?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Suggest 2 key people who support the Cornucopian view point.


Preview of the front of card 5
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