Agri- food geographies 4


Animals in Geography

  • Study of animals has been limited and marginal concern- changed in 1990's
  • Increasing interest in animals represents an expansion of geographies 'circle of concern'
  • Growth in social concern for animals- animal rights, people have become more concered with their welfare
  • Biotech developments- GM e.g. injecting denes 
  • developments of social theory- how geographers thing and theorize the social world, understanding how people interrelate with animals to understand the social world, animals have the ability to shape the human world
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Animals in agri- food geography- Why?

  • Productivism- industrialisation led to an impact on animals bodies- double muscle cows 
  • Post - productivism: animals are enrolled into new activities in new ways- bought about interest 
  • Agriculture is more than economic- multiple meanings attatched to animals, encourages us to think about agriculture in cultural ways, role of life stock in socially constructed rural environments
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research themes in animal agri- food geography

  • Sudies of the geographues of domestication and rare breeds of lifestock 
  • lifestock and landscape
  • transformation of livestock and animal bodies under industrialisation 
  • Geneticisiation of animal agriculture
  • agricultural animals and susatinability 
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  • Key concept in geography 
  • sustainability- interactions between economic, environmental and social systems 
  • does sustainability agenda serve the interests of the farm animals?
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Agricultural animals as a threat to sustainability

  • around 28 billion farm animals- worry about numbers
  • predicted to double in the middle of the century- competing of humans for spcae and to live and resources 
  • CIWF 2004- Lifestock revolution, meat consumption is projected to rise by 3% in 2020, feeding animals instead of solving world hunger 
  • - not efficient grain fattened animals take more energy from feed than they return in the form of food for humans 
  • Meat production and consumption- contribution to climate change- largest source of green house gases
  • avoiding meat and dairy is single biggest way to reduce your impacts on earth- essential to avoid climate breakdown 
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Agricultural animals as a vehicles for realising s

  • key elements in the maintenance of environmentally friendly farming systems 
  • Devon farm, owned and managed by Natural England- for nature conservation rather than commercial imperatives- prevents the loss of wild flowers 
  • Lifestock based farming systems as contributors to the maintenance of rural eonomies and the social fabric of rural areas, particularly in marginal region s
  • lifestock increase overall economy- increase the overall economy 
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Agricultural animals as a targets of sustainabilit

  • A recent shift in sustainability discourse
  • incorporation of farm animal welfare within definitions of agricultural sustainability. Animal welfare has 5 freedoms 1. freedom from hunger and thirst 2. from discomfort 3. from pain, injury and disease 4. to express normal behaviour 5. from fear and distress 
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Evaluation of agricultural sustainability's target

welfare- good for animals and people, farmers and consumers- prevents disease, sundamental to develop a sustainable food and farming industry 

Reinforces the anthropocentrism of sustainability- sustainable of human populations and their well being rather that of nature 

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