Same other

  • Created by: maya
  • Created on: 27-04-17 00:18


Western Ideology- body & mind separate

Mind- rationality- superior body- earthly desires

Experience & emotions not just mental- experience body

Means- how - interact world - connects us each other

Important- move through spaces & places - body interprets places

2 yr old heavy door

other people respond to us - how we look 

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Connections between blocks & how link together

Trace concepts- perfomativity run through this block 

Identity diff & exclusion 


words define identity:

bodily characteristics, gender, ethnicity, personality, interests, beliefs, shared ideas 

is it easy talking about identity? why? 

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Identity affects everyone, orders society

Identity can organise society +ive or -ive ways

Other people can identify us - belonging group

Other people try put us in diff categories

similarity & difference key facet- how we relate to each other

Self and other

is it fixed 

where does it come from?

Intersectionality- peeps have more than one identity 

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Society and space

Society influences space- space influences society

identity space and time specfic 

Today nothing shocking woman flying plane 

Rural - single women excluded  - gender diff- diff times

Social relam (interactions- individuals) & spatial realm (landscapes public spaces) - interconnected

Individuals experience those processes diff ways

Essentialism assumption each person has essential essence born with- key characteristics

Being projected onto someone rather than self identifying. 

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Exclusion essentialist classification

Sometimes essentialist classification helpful

Box ticking neat quantifiable overview proportion peope each group

V useful see who experiencing inequalities & underpresented

If know particular groups underrepresented- potentially do something

V useful in combating particular areas pollution

Reveal clustering social groups neighbourhoods

Geographers interested these diff markers- look at how intersect and interact 

Essentialist assumptions about identity LIMITATIONS- all people like this & this we dont want them here- Donald Trump us presedential election - BNP particular groups discriminated against 

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Science improving human populatons - selective breeding 

USA JOhnson Reed immigration Act 1923 - improve strains of population by EXCLUDING others

Social construction identity
LANGUAGE - words use - describe identitites - loaded political/cultural assumptions EXCLUSION

Pejorative definition word takes on bad meaning!


example Adrian Piper! (find more info) racial atttudes and behaviour that create race as a cateogiry- illusionary- hierarchies socioeconomic power and exclusion! 

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Science improving human populatons - selective breeding 

USA JOhnson Reed immigration Act 1923 - improve strains of population by EXCLUDING others

Social construction identity
LANGUAGE - words use - describe identitites - loaded political/cultural assumptions EXCLUSION

Pejorative definition word takes on bad meaning!


example Adrian Piper! (find more info) racial atttudes and behaviour that create race as a cateogiry- illusionary- hierarchies socioeconomic power and exclusion! 

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Science improving human populatons - selective breeding 

USA JOhnson Reed immigration Act 1923 - improve strains of population by EXCLUDING others

Social construction identity
LANGUAGE - words use - describe identitites - loaded political/cultural assumptions EXCLUSION

Pejorative definition word takes on bad meaning!


example Adrian Piper! (find more info) racial atttudes and behaviour that create race as a cateogiry- illusionary- hierarchies socioeconomic power and exclusion! 

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Science improving human populatons - selective breeding 

USA JOhnson Reed immigration Act 1923 - improve strains of population by EXCLUDING others

Social construction identity
LANGUAGE - words use - describe identitites - loaded political/cultural assumptions EXCLUSION

Pejorative definition word takes on bad meaning!


example Adrian Piper! (find more info) racial atttudes and behaviour that create race as a cateogiry- illusionary- hierarchies socioeconomic power and exclusion! 

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Take home messsage

Identities can be experienced at very individual and personal level

Identities can be seen to be created & experienced through relationships: SAME-DIFFERENT/SELF-OTHER and can also be collected & shared

on the one hand- essences may lead to discrimination, oppression, violence

Other hand- n order to organise resistence essences can be useful, INDIGENOUS LAND RIGHTS

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Questions of identity are politically and emotionally charged because they are simultaneously about the most personal issues of embodiment and subjectivity, but also they relate directly to processes of inclusion and exclusion where inequalities of power often result in discrimination and injustice’

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Marginalisaton (Del Casino et al, 2011)

The social and spatial processes by which groups can identify and marginalise others is a core concern in geography. 

The  conceptual material lenses of landscape and exclusion are power-laiden tools which show how 'landscapes of exclusion', 'purified space' and enclosed spaces are produced.

Many scholars care about unequal power relations in society, geographies of care can be seen as attempts to mobilise understandings about the need for care (E.g. social welfare, healthcare, care of dependents)

Geographies of care challenge us to consider new years of being together in a relatively unequal world

Conradson highlights the ssues of prxomity and distance which raises ethical questions about how far and at what scale care can be conducted to deal with exclusion and the same other issue. 

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Resistance against assumptions towards identities

The goal of resistance and collective social action is progressive change at some level defined as people who have either come together by their free will or have been forced together as a collective due to oppressive power relations.

In the same vein, we also reject a naive "pathologisation of place" (Farmer 2003 ) that suggests places are somehow to blame for the ills they face.

Resistence movements embody our dreams and hopes and have to deal and cope with the difficult present. 

Del Casino et al, 2011

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