Politics Key Terms Unit 1 Topic 5

The application by groups or indiviuals or organised persuasion with the intention of affecting decision making.
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To Lobby is to make direct contact with a policy maker in order to try to influence them. A lobbyist is the person making the contact.
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Literallly, holding more than one idea or doing more than one thing. Prssure groups encourage pluralism, diversity and representation in a democratic society, as a citizen can vote Labour, for instance, but also join a pressure group for foxhunting
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Pluralist Democracy
A democracy which recognises, accepts and acts inclusively towards all different types of organisations and interests.
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A system where recognised interest pressure groups such as trade unions and manufactuers work with governement to make policy and help implement that policy.
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Card 2


To Lobby is to make direct contact with a policy maker in order to try to influence them. A lobbyist is the person making the contact.



Card 3


Literallly, holding more than one idea or doing more than one thing. Prssure groups encourage pluralism, diversity and representation in a democratic society, as a citizen can vote Labour, for instance, but also join a pressure group for foxhunting


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Card 4


A democracy which recognises, accepts and acts inclusively towards all different types of organisations and interests.


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Card 5


A system where recognised interest pressure groups such as trade unions and manufactuers work with governement to make policy and help implement that policy.


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