Physics G484 definitions

All the definitions needed for yoru G484 exam :)

  • Created by: Emily B
  • Created on: 09-12-12 12:42
Newton's 1st Law
An object will remain at rest or continue travelling at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force
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Newton's 2nd Law
The net force acting upon an object is equal to its rate of change of momentum
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Newton's 3rd Law
When two bodies interact the forces they exert are equal and opposite
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Newton's Law of Gravitation
Any two point masses attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to their masses, and inversely proportional to the sqr of their seperation
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Charles' Law
The volume occupied by a gas at a constant pressure is directly proprtional to its thermodynamic (absolute) temperature
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Boyles' Law
The pressure exerted by a fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to its volume, provided the temperature remains constant
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Latent heat of vapourisation
The energy absorbed by a substance to change its state from liquid to gas without a change in temperature
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Latent heat of fusion
The energy absorbed by a substance to change its state from solid to liquid without a change in temperature
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The number of oscillations per unit time. unit: Hz
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Time taken by an object to complete 1 orbit OR to complete 1 oscillation
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Phase Difference
The fraction of an oscillation between the vibration of two oscillating particles
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The maximum displacement of a particle from its equilibrium position
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Angular displacement
The angle through which an object moves in a circle
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Angular frequency
The rate of change of angle expressed in radian per second. Ѡ = 2*π/T
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Natural frequency
The unforced frequency of a freely oscillating object
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The forced motion of an oscillator. Max amplitude is achieved when the forcing frequency matches the oscillators natural frequency
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Simple Harmonic Motion
Motion of an oscillator where its acceleration is directly proportional to its displacement from equilibrium position and acceleration is directed towards the equilibrium position
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Centripetal force
The net force acting on an object moving in a circle; always directed towards the centre
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Geostationary orbit
Orbit of an artificial satellite which has a period of 1 day. therefore the satellite remains above the same point on the Earths equator
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Gravitational field strength
The gravitational force exerted per unit mass. g=F/m
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The angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc of equal length to the radius
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Describes an oscillatory motion where amplitude decreases with time due to energy losses
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Linear momentum
The product of an objects mass and its velocity. p=mv
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Absolute zero
The temperature at which a system has minimum internal energy (-273 celsius)
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Internal energy
The sum of the random distribution of KE and Potential energy of atoms or molecules in a system
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Specific heat capacity
Energy required per unit mass of a substance to raise the temperature by 1K. Unit: JKg(^-1)K(^-1)
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Thermal equilibrium
A condition when 2 or more objects in contact have the same temperature so there is no net flow of energy between them
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Equation of state
This is the equation for an ideal gas. pV=nRT OR pV=NkT
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The product of the force and time for which it acts. Impulse =F*Δt. Also is the area under a force-time graph
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Conservation of momentum
In a closedsystem when 2 bodies interact, the total momentum in any specified direction remains constant
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Rate of change of displacement. V=Δdisplacement/Δtime. Unit: ms(^-1)
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Inelastic collision
KE is not conserved; some is tranferred to other forms. Momentum and total energy are always conserved
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Elastic collision
KE is conserved. Momentum and total energy are always conserved
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The net force acting upon an object is equal to its rate of change of momentum


Newton's 2nd Law

Card 3


When two bodies interact the forces they exert are equal and opposite


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Any two point masses attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to their masses, and inversely proportional to the sqr of their seperation


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The volume occupied by a gas at a constant pressure is directly proprtional to its thermodynamic (absolute) temperature


Preview of the back of card 5
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Richard McIntosh


With Newton's law of Gravitation is it not inversely proportional to the sqr of the distance between each centre of mass, not the sqr root?

Richard McIntosh


But other than that thanks these are great!

Emily B


Yeah my bad, I'll try edit it now, thanks :) 

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