Physics Test

  • Created by: Jazzy15
  • Created on: 17-11-16 20:02
What is Conduction ?
Conduction transfers heat between a body/material or two bodies.
1 of 16
Are Conduction particles close together ?
Yes they are closely packed
2 of 16
Do you know any facts on Infra Red Radiation ?
The hotter an object, the faster it radiates. Black objects work really well because it heats food up quicker
3 of 16
What is Insulation ?
a material or substance that is used to stop heat, electricity, or sound from going into or out of something :
4 of 16
What is Insulation referred to in a small word ?
Trapped air
5 of 16
What can you do to Insulate houses ?
Build drywall over "cold wall", wall insulation, double glazing,loft insulation, fill any floor gaps,
6 of 16
How do you calculate efficiency ?
useful energy out divided by total energy in
7 of 16
Chemical Potential energy ? e.g -
Food, fuel (petrol), batteries
8 of 16
Light energy ? e.g-
candle, flame, sunlight
9 of 16
Heat energy ? e.g-
Fire, Hot tea, Hot chocolate, radiator
10 of 16
Nuclear energy ? e.g-
Radioactive Elements
11 of 16
Elastic Potential energy ? e.g-
Rubber band being pulled or stretched back before flinging
12 of 16
Sound energy ? e.g-
Person Talking, different sound, cat's (meow), (beep) in a car
13 of 16
Kinetic energy ? e.g -
Object moving, car moving/driving
14 of 16
Gravitational energy ? e.g-
Bird, water on top of waterfall
15 of 16
Electrical energy ? e.g -
Plug sockets, power supply
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Are Conduction particles close together ?


Yes they are closely packed

Card 3


Do you know any facts on Infra Red Radiation ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Insulation ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Insulation referred to in a small word ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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