physics 10 2 radiation :)


1. alpha particals summery

  • beta particles have virtually no mass and are used to detect thickness of metal as unlike alpha particles they wont dissolve right away. they penterate moderatly BPARTICLE before colliding into a material and are partially ionising
  • alpha particles - symbol a used in smoke alarms are fully absorbed by a sheet papaer and when they are emitted froma nucleus alpha radiation takes place they contain 2x protons 2x neutrons
  • not incorrect key fact B PARTICLE - they are super fast moving electrosna snd for every beta particle emitted a neutron particle has turend to a proton
  • no incorrect answer key facts - they have 2x neutrons 2 x protons in the nuclei and its like a hellium balloon they are often used in smoke alarms as they bind to ions and stop charge flow makeing the alarm go of
1 of 19

Other questions in this quiz

2. what happens to the neutrons in the nucleous when the beta particals are emitted

  • for every beta particle emitted , the neutrons in the nucleus turn unto protons
  • they disapear

3. beta particles symbol

  • c
  • a
  • b
  • g

4. what are beta particals absorbed by

  • water
  • aliminum
  • paper
  • gold

5. how do beta particles collied

  • they are absorbed by any other material than aliminium
  • beta particles penerterate moditeraly into materials before they collied
  • they silde into materials


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