Other questions in this quiz

2. how ionising are alpha particals

  • not very because they are like the helium nuclei
  • alpha particles are very ionising due to there size
  • very because they have 2 protons and two neutrons
  • not very

3. what are beta particles

  • a proton realesed from the nucleus
  • not a alpha particle
  • a high speed electron released from the nuclius
  • a slow speed electron

4. how do beta particles collied

  • they are absorbed by any other material than aliminium
  • beta particles penerterate moditeraly into materials before they collied
  • they silde into materials

5. how far will gamma rays travel through te air

  • gamma rays will penetarate into materials without being stopped and will travel far through the air
  • short distance like alpha
  • moderatly far eg beta


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