Philosophy AS

  • Created by: SabrinaKN
  • Created on: 07-04-18 14:42
Though statistics vary , around how many people will have a religious experience in their lifetime?
1 of 15
Where does the division of visions come from?
St. Augustine
2 of 15
What are the three categories that visions are divided into ?
Corporeal, Imaginative, Intellectual
3 of 15
What kind of vision did Bernadette Soubirous have at Lourdes and why is it classed as this type ?
Corporeal because she saw the physical body of Mary which was accompanied by voices and by visions of light
4 of 15
What is the difference between imaginative and corporeal visions?
In imaginative visions the experiencer has no power to direct the experience but in corporeal visions they can interact with what is seen and heard to some extent
5 of 15
What is an example of an imaginative vision?
Josephs's dream (Matthew 2:13-15)
6 of 15
What is a key feature of intellectual visions?
There is no image . They are mystical visions and those who experience these claim to see things as they really are.
7 of 15
What does numinous mean ?
It is an adjective meaning 'relating to the power (or presence) of a deity'
8 of 15
Which scholar said that religious experiences are an ecounter with the Holy
Rudolph Otto
9 of 15
Our feelings about the numinous are sui generis but what does this mean?
Of their own kind
10 of 15
What does Otto describe God as?
The wholly other, beyond comprehension or aprehension
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What does Otto say recognises the numinous?
A special faculty in our minds that recognises the holy .
12 of 15
Are numinous feelings rational or non-rational
13 of 15
What does James see God as ?
Likely,temporal and finite because he interacts with us in time, does not have to be a single entity but could be a collection of god-like selves
14 of 15
What does James say are the four criteria by which we judge someone who has a mystical experience
Ineffability, noetic quality , transciency , passitivity
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where does the division of visions come from?


St. Augustine

Card 3


What are the three categories that visions are divided into ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What kind of vision did Bernadette Soubirous have at Lourdes and why is it classed as this type ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the difference between imaginative and corporeal visions?


Preview of the front of card 5
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