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2. NAT2 substrate:

  • rifampicin
  • isoniazid
  • cocaine + heroin
  • sulfamethoazole, sulfanilamide

3. UGT2:

  • isoforms are not gene encoded
  • 10 isoforms, products of the same gene
  • isoforms are products of separate genes
  • isoforms have chromosomal variation

4. Genetic polymophisims of GSTs are found in which subfamilies?

  • GSTT1 & GSTA1
  • GSTM1 & GSTT1
  • GSTM1 & GSTA1
  • GSTW1 & GSTP1

5. Enzyme which consists of 2 subunits of a MW approx. 34,000:

  • NATs
  • UDP-GTs
  • SULTs
  • GSTs


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