pharmacology heamostasis and thrombosis

pharmacology heamostasis and thrombosis

thrombosis which is false
defined as the pathological formation of a clot in the absence bleeding
1 of 7
false of the coagulation cascade
each inactive factor then cleaves the next inactive factor
2 of 7
warfarin pharmacodynamics which is false
warfarin competes with Vit K for the reductase enzyme which activates vit K
3 of 7
warfarin pharmacokinetics which is false
large volume of distribution
4 of 7
drug interactions of warfarin
drugs which inhibit CYP450 enzymes used by warfarin increase the risk of bleeding
5 of 7
heparin which is false
can take days to work
6 of 7
adverse effects of aspirin which is false
a pro drug
7 of 7

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Card 2


false of the coagulation cascade


each inactive factor then cleaves the next inactive factor

Card 3


warfarin pharmacodynamics which is false


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


warfarin pharmacokinetics which is false


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


drug interactions of warfarin


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