
The process by which a person's attitude or behaviours are influenced by communications from others without duress is known as what?
1 of 16
What is the reciprocity norm?
The expectation that others will help, not hurt, those that have helped them and vice versa
2 of 16
What are the two types of reciprocity?
Repayment and concession
3 of 16
The larger request that follows a smaller request refers to?
4 of 16
The motivation to see our attitudes and behaviours as consistent with each other underlies which commitment and consistency theory?
Cognitive dissonance theory
5 of 16
The perceived pressure from others to be consistent underlies which theory suggesting why were are motivated to appear consistent?
Self-presentation theory
6 of 16
Individuals learning about themselves by observing their own behaviour is the key component of which theory?
Self-perception theory
7 of 16
What principle suggests that people are more likely to agree to a large request after agreeing to a smaller one?
8 of 16
Free samples, test drives, listening to sales pitches and entering a store in response to an ad are all examples of which technique in action?
9 of 16
Hidden costs being revealed after a commitment has been made refers to which technique?
10 of 16
Which theory explains why we are more likely to follow through with a commitment made publicly?
Self-presentation theory
11 of 16
Laugh tracks, full tip jars, customer testimonials, sale stats and long lines at nightclubs are all examples of which persuasion principle in action?
Social Proof
12 of 16
Where is social proof most likely to work?
Uncertain situations
13 of 16
What is the Halo effect?
One outstanding trait that influences the total judgement of people
14 of 16
Mere exposure influencing liking is most effective for what kinds of stimuli?
Positive and neutral
15 of 16
What is psychological reactance?
Increased desire for something when our freedom to have it is taken away
16 of 16

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Card 2


What is the reciprocity norm?


The expectation that others will help, not hurt, those that have helped them and vice versa

Card 3


What are the two types of reciprocity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The larger request that follows a smaller request refers to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The motivation to see our attitudes and behaviours as consistent with each other underlies which commitment and consistency theory?


Preview of the front of card 5
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