Promotion: Population Health Critique

  • Created by: Psych951
  • Created on: 07-01-19 13:18

Promotion: Population Health Critique


  • Can achieve significant changes across the population in a cost-effective way
  • Acknowledges that behaviour change occurs in the environmental contexts
  • Reach large populations that may be hard to access without media
  • Uses theories of persuasion: Use of elaboration likelihood, protection motivation, information framing and audience targeting increase applicability and effectiveness of interventions
  • Audience segmentation can help to increase the effectiveness and relevance of messages, as oppose to just communicating to the mass


  • Interventions will only be useful if evaluated properly - Should incorporate policy, environmental and individual components - Use RE-AIM evaluation (Glasgow et al 1999)
  • Can be difficult to provide health promoting cues if unhealthy resources are in demand e.g. sugary food is cheaper which means it will be bought but if healthy food isn't in demand then it can't be made cheaper
  • Fear is only effective if a way to solve it is provided, but the individual may perceive it as inachievable
  • Elaboration likelihood model may not be  effective at a mass level, just community, because it's unlikely the whole population fall in the same side


Population level change can be very persuasive if relevant, however they should be evaluated and updated appropriately to ensure they are realistic 


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