IT: Personal and Digital Devices

  • Created by: adrik146
  • Created on: 02-02-17 19:57
What are the uses of digital devices?
Communication, entertainment, travelling
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What does GPS stand for?
Global Positioning System
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What factors should be considered when buying a digital device?
Cost, compatibility, storage capacity, security, convenience
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What do all digital devices have in common?
Processor (controls functions), Internal memory (stores data from microprocessors)
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What is flash memory?
peripheral that doesn't lose data when off
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Name 4 types of flash memory.
USB stick, SD card, Micro SD, SDXC card
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Name 4 input devices.
Mouse, keyboard, microphone, camera, joystick tea.
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Name 4 output devices.
Speaker, headphones, docking station, screen, printer etc.
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What are the 3 types of connectivity?
USB Cable, Bluetooth, WiFi
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Why is WiFi better than Bluetooth?
WiFi can work over longer distances, allows connection to internet.
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What do both WiFi and Bluetooth use?
Radio waves
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What is synchronisation?
Two devices being connected and can automatically exchange data.
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Name 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of cloud synchronisation.
Advantages: Doesn't take up storage space, Access from all devices, no data lost if computer crashes. Disadvantages: Not as secure, needs WiFi to access.
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What are the core functions of Moblie phones?
texting and calling
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What the additional functions and what is the term used to describe devices with additional functions?
Camera, GPS, games, media players. Its called multifunction.
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When a device has functions that are done by other devices.
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Name 3 examples of additional functions of mobile phones.
Camera, GPS, media player, entertainment
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Name 4 things you can do to keep secure when using a mobile phone.
Hide phone, have PIN, lock sim, restrict Bluetooth usage, IMEI number
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What is biometric security?
Using fingerprint or face recognition to secure a device.
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Designing equipment so its comfortable and user friendly.
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How can you reduce risks of eye strain?
Take breaks away from screen, just screen, use antiglare screen.
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define resolution.
The quality of image depending on number of pixels.
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Why do some cameras have a GPS receiver ?
To add information to images.
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What is the information on image called?
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Why do some cameras have WiFi connectivity?
So that images can be uploaded directly from camera.
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What is the advantages of using a camcorder to record a video rather than a mobile phone camera?
Can record HD videos.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does GPS stand for?


Global Positioning System

Card 3


What factors should be considered when buying a digital device?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do all digital devices have in common?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is flash memory?


Preview of the front of card 5
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