People In The Law

Key cases for 'People in the law'

  • Created by: Jonny
  • Created on: 01-04-13 21:25
Bushell's Case (1670)
The case confirms that jurors have the right to decide verdicts according to their own conscience.
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R V. Young (1995)
Jurors reached the verdict by communicating through a ouija board with the murder victim, resulting in a re-trial.
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R V. Blythe (1998)
A man was acquitted of cultivating cannabis to ease the suffering of his wife who had multiple sclerosis, despite clear evidence the offence had been committed.
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Card 2


Jurors reached the verdict by communicating through a ouija board with the murder victim, resulting in a re-trial.


R V. Young (1995)

Card 3


A man was acquitted of cultivating cannabis to ease the suffering of his wife who had multiple sclerosis, despite clear evidence the offence had been committed.


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