
  • Created by: Lauren
  • Created on: 09-04-13 11:03
What does the ozone layer protects us from?
UV Radiation
1 of 20
What is the Ozone?
a molecule made of three oxygen atoms
2 of 20
What does the ozone do?
Absorbs some of the UV rays from the sun
3 of 20
Describe how we are ruining the ozone layer
Pollution from CFC's
4 of 20
What does Ultraviolet Radiation cause
skin cancer
5 of 20
What is infrared?
energy transfer by electromagnetic waves
6 of 20
Finish the sentence- Hotter an object the more infrared radiation it ..... in a given time
7 of 20
Name some of the electromagnetic spectrum
radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light
8 of 20
What are electromagnetic waves?
electric and magnetic waves that travel through space
9 of 20
Finish sentence- the sun emits .......................................................
all types of electromagnetic radiation
10 of 20
What does the atmosphere block out?
11 of 20
What does'nt the atmosphere block out?
infrared radiation
12 of 20
The microwaves penetrate up to a few into food before being absorbed by .....
water molecules
13 of 20
Energy from what causes the food to heat up?
14 of 20
What then happens to the heat energy
conducted or convected to other parts of the food
15 of 20
What are lasers?
narrow beam of light
16 of 20
Wat are digital signals?
series of pulses with 2 states
17 of 20
What are the 2 states fo digital signals?
18 of 20
Light can be used for what?
digital communication
19 of 20
What can optical fibres do?
carry information coded on light waves ir infrared waves
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the Ozone?


a molecule made of three oxygen atoms

Card 3


What does the ozone do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe how we are ruining the ozone layer


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does Ultraviolet Radiation cause


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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